Visits to secondary schools

We explain the UAB to you at your secondary school

Visites als centres

At the UAB we offer the possibility of visiting your school or town hall to help you better understand our university and campus services. We offer information sessions, both in person and online, in whic UAB lecturers explain the academic programmes and services we offer and can help guide you in choosing your studies.

We conduct these sessions in Catalan and offer them throughout the Catalan-speaking regions: in person or online in Catalonia, and online for the Illes Balears, País Valencià, Franja de Ponent, Andorra and Catalunya Nord, from January to May 2025.

And all this without having to leavy your centre: the visits are organised in town halls and in secondary baccalaureate, and higher education centres. 

Sign up now!

Keep in mind that these presentations are meant to offer a general overview of the UAB prgrammes offered. If you are interested in obtaining specific information about each of the UAB degrees, we recommend attending our Open Days.

Any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us at