Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Research in Education
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
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Course coordinator
David Rodríguez Gómez
E-mail address: coordinacio.master.recerca.educacio@uab.cat
Master direction
Specialisation in Curriculum and Innovation Processes in Education
Antoni Navío Gámez
E-mail address: Master.recerca.educacio.aplicada@uab.cat
Specialisation in Development and Management of Organisations for Change
Maria del Mar Duran-Bellonch
E-mail address: Master.recerca.educacio.ped.aplicada@uab.cat
Specialisation in Inequalities, Research and Educational Action
Pilar Pineda Herrero
E-mail address: Master.recerca.educacio.sistematica@uab.cat
Specialisation in Teaching of Language and Literature
Julia Llompart Esbert
E-mail address: Master.recerca.educacio.llengua@uab.cat
Specialisation in Teaching of Social Science
Gustavo Gonzalez Valencia
E-mail address: Master.recerca.educacio.socials@uab.cat
Specialisation in Art, Body and Movement
Joanna Genevieve Empain
E-mail address: Master.recerca.educacio.expressio@uab.cat
Specialisation in Science and Mathematics Education
Carme Grimalt Alvaro
E-mail address: mure.ciencies.matematiques@uab.cat
List of teachers
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Díaz Vicario, Anna | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Essomba Gelabert, Miquel Angel | Didactics and School Organization | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Guerrero Roldan, Ana Elena | Didactics and School Organization | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Ion , Georgeta | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Jurado de los Santos, Pedro | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Martinez Muñoz, Mario | Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Mas Torello, Oscar | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Mercader Juan, Cristina | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Muñoz Moreno, Jose Luis | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Navio Gamez, Antonio | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Olmos Rueda, Patricia | Didactics and School Organization | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Quesada Pallarès, Carla | Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Rodriguez Gomez, David | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Ruiz Bueno, Carmen | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Sanahuja Gavaldà, José María | Didactics and School Organization | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Sanchez Marti, Angelina | Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Sanchez Ares, Rocio | Didactics and School Organization | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Tejada Fernández, José | Didactics and School Organization | Retired academic staff | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Empain , Joanna Genevieve | Visual Arts Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Martinez Minguez, Lurdes | Corporal Expression | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Masotta Lijtmaer, Cloe | Visual Arts Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Moron Velasco, Mar | Visual Arts Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Nieva Boza, Carolina | Corporal Expression | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Paris Romia, Gemma | Visual Arts Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Rifa Valls, Maria Montserrat | Visual Arts Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Rios Siso, Xenia | Corporal Expression | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Albarracin Gordo, Lluis | Mathematics Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Badillo Jimenez, Edelmira Rosa | Mathematics Education | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Banqué Martínez, Neus | Science Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Couso Lagaron, Digna Maria | Science Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Fonolleda Riberaygua, Marta | Science Education | Research | |
Fortuny Aymemi, Josep Maria | Mathematics Education | Emeritus lecturers (non-government) | Research |
Gamboa Rojas, Genaro de | Mathematics Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Gorgorio Sola, Maria Nuria | Mathematics Education | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Grimalt Alvaro, Maria del Carme | Science Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Lopez Simo, Victor | Science Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Marba Tallada, Anna | Science Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Oliveras Prat, Begonya | Science Education | Research | |
Planas Raig, Nuria | Mathematics Education | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Rojas Sateler, Francisco Javier Lucas | Mathematics Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Torregrosa Martinez, Alba | Mathematics Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Agud Morell, Ingrid | Theory and History of Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Alvarez Canovas, Isabel | Theory and History of Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Arnau Sabates, Laura | Theory and History of Education | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Cabrera Cuadros, Valeska Lisbeth | Theory and History of Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Melich Sangra, Joan Carles | Theory and History of Education | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Moschetti Plaul, Mauro Carlos | Theory and History of Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Noguera Fructuoso, Ingrid | Theory and History of Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Pamies Rovira, Jorge | Theory and History of Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Pineda Herrero, Pilar | Theory and History of Education | University professor/full professor | Research |
Sala Roca, Josefina | Theory and History of Education | University professor/full professor | Research |
Úcar Martínez, Xavier | Theory and History of Education | University professor/full professor | Research |
Valdivia Vizarreta, Paloma Carmen | Theory and History of Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Aliagas Marin, Cristina | Language and Literature Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Aris Redo, Nuria | Education for Social Sciences | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Birello , Marilisa | Language and Literature Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Castellvi Mata, Jordi | Education for Social Sciences | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Dooly Owenby, Melinda | Language and Literature Education | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Fittipaldi , Martina | Language and Literature Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Fontich Vicens, Xavier | Language and Literature Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Gonzalez Sanz, Miriam | Education for Social Sciences | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Gonzalez Valencia, Gustavo Alonso | Education for Social Sciences | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Gonzalez Monfort, Maria Neus | Education for Social Sciences | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Llompart Esbert, Julia | Language and Literature Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Masats Viladoms, Maria Dolors | Language and Literature Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Massip Sabater, Mariona | Education for Social Sciences | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Moore Luca, Emilee Sarah | Language and Literature Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Salas , Nayme Daniela | Language and Literature Education | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Santisteban Fernandez, Antonio Manuel | Education for Social Sciences | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Vallejo Rubinstein, Claudia Carolina | Language and Literature Education | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Administrative contact
For pre-registration and enrolment matters please contact the Academic Support Service (Gestió Acadèmica) of the Faculty of Education: ga.c.educacio@uab.cat