Content Official Master's Degree in Research in Education
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
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Study guides
The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.
The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.
43200 - Education Research III: ITC Tools in the Research Process
43200 - Education Research III: ITC Tools in the Research Process
43217 - Master's Degree Dissertation
45003 - Research in Education I: Epistemology and Foundations
45004 - Research in Education II: Methodologies and Research and Innovation Techniques
45007 - Community, Socio-educational intervention and Inequalities
45018 - Critical Education and Diversity through the Arts and the Body
45010 - Democratic Education and Participation: Global Citizenship and Social Justice
45013 - Design and Evaluation of Teaching and Learning of Sciences and Mathematics in Context
45011 - Educational Theories and Systems: Inequalities, Politics and Social Change
45012 - Experience, Research and Change: Spaces for Creation and Bodies in Movement
45015 - Foundations of Innovation and Research in the Teaching of Social Sciences
45017 - From Action to Creation in Innovation and Research
43218 - Gender Mapping: Transitions and Identities in Research
45019 - Introduction to Research in Scientific Education and Mathematics Education
43222 - Language Skills and Curricular Learning: Research Contributions
43201 - Lifelong Social and Educational Inclusion and Orientation: Research Contributions
43225 - Plurilingual Education: Research Trends and Perspectives
45014 - Research and innovation in Education for Sustainability and Social Justice
45006 - Research in Innovation and Management of Educational Organisations
43929 - Research into Specific Ambits of Science and Mathematics Teaching
43208 - Research Perspectives in Teaching of Literature
45009 - Research, Training , Evaluation and Equity
45005 - Research, Training and Digital Technologies
43213 - Research Trends in Curriculum Development and Innovation Processes
43214 - Research Trends in Teaching of Writing
45016 - Training for Critical, Geographical, Historical and Social Thinking (2023-24)