University Master's Degree in Pharmacology

It prepares for different labour starts in the sphere of the pharmacology or the access at PhD programme

Content Official Master's Degree in Pharmacology

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Study guides

Master description

The master's degree comprises 60 credits and is made up of 4 compulsory modules and 2 optional ones. The compulsory modules include two in advanced basic pharmacology and applied pharmacology, one fort the work placement, for 15 credits and the master's dissertation, also for 15 credits. The optional modules let students choose between research methods in clinical pharmacology and research methods in pre-clinical pharmacology.

Teaching timetable

The UAB official master's degrees offer classroom-based lectures in the afternoons, from 3 pm onwards from Monday to Friday. Depending on the semester you may have classes everyday or only on some afternoons. Normally, lectures are grouped together to offer them all in two or three days a week.

Study plan structure



Type Credits
Compulsory 21
Optional 9
Master Thesis 15
External Practicum 15





Subject Credits Type
Applied Pharmacology 12 OB
Basic Advanced Pharmacology 9 OB
Internship 15 OB
Master Thesis 15 OB
Research Methods in Clinical Pharmacology 9 OT*
Research Methods in Pre-clinical Pharmacology 9 OT*

* Optional, you must take 9 credits


OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional