University Master's Degree in Musicology, Musical Education and Interpretation of Early Music

There are two tracks available: one that will provide you with the methodological and practical tools to undertake musicology or music education research, and a second to perfect the instrumental interpretation of early music

Content Official Master's Degree in Musicology, Musical Education and Interpretation of Early Music

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Master's dissertation

· Specialization in Musicology and Musical Education Research

The MT (Master's Thesis) is a research project, a study or a memory that implies an integrative exercise of the training obtained at the end of the Master's degree. This exercise entails that the students apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies acquired at the end of the master's degree to demonstrate the achievement of the global learning objectives. Therefore, the way in which these knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies are integrated has been linked to the specific objectives of training and professional exercise of the master's degree. 

The MT must be an original piece of research work in the strict sense. Some of the ways in which the master's work can be presented can be as a scientific article, as an essay, as a classic research report or as a product proposal, among the most frequent formats. The writing of the MT, irrespective of its purpose and form, jmust be clear, synthetic and academic.

The realization of the MT will be individual. 

· Specialization in Interpretation of Early Music

It will consist of the preparation of a research project (MT) with the previously detailed characteristic materials and a Final Master's Concert, with the instrument enrolled with the protagonist

Name of the coordinator of the MT: Lidia López Gómez

Teacher Guide Link 

You can consult Mts of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts ​​at the Dipòsit Digital de Documents of the UAB. 

The subject and tutor assignment criteria, the course calendar, the type of follow-up of the work carried out and the evaluation will be published in the Teaching Guide for this subject according to the guidelines established in the Protocol for the TFM dissertation of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts