University Master's Degree in Applied Research in Economics and Business

Offering highly specialised training for future researchers and professionals (managers and consultants) in the field of applied economics and business creation and management

Content Official Master's Degree in Applied Research in Economics and Business

Master's dissertation

Master's Thesis Module Guidelines (15 ECTs, 2nd term)

An original piece of research in any key research topic related to Business (preferently Entrepreneurship/SME Management) or Applied Economics fields, based upon the knowledge accumulated in the previous modules of the program, and developed under the supervision/tutorial of a Faculty member (from anyone of the 2 departments being directly implied).

The master's thesis should ideally be an academic paper in a nearly submittable format containing an original, but relatively simple research contribution about any selected topic by the student him/herself in applied economics or business (especially in Entrepreneurship and/or SME Management research). The thesis must be fully written in very good English (proofreading services are recommended). A list of materials and references on how to write a (master's) thesis, conduct a literature review, etc. are  revised and uploaded every edition of the program in the master's thesis module in the Campus Virtual. Any degree of detected plagiarism will be severely punished. 

The supervisor should be a teacher/researcher of the Departments of Applied Economics or Business at UAB. The supervisor's role is to help, providing suggestions, asking and answering students' questions, keeping the scientific standards of the thesis high enough. He or she will guide also in giving the thesis an appropriate format and structure. The student/author, however, has to conduct his/her master's thesis independently and is full responsible of its completion and defense once approved by his/her supevisor.

More information

Information about potential master's thesis supervisors can be found in the MAREB Master's web page at:

Also, in the department's websites: Applied economics and Business

The full list of masters' theses of MAREB from previous editions, as well as an organized list of other helping research tools (including journals, working papers, data sources and research seminars) are listed in the MAREB master's webpage at: