Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education + Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

Study guides

Title of qualification awarded

Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education


Subjects in Primary Education are offered from 8 am to 1 pm and subjects in Early Childhood Education are offered from 4 pm to 9 pm.

Study plan information

Table of credits for each course

Credit distribution Basic training Compulsory Bachelor's Degree Final Project
1st year 54 24  
2nd year 36 42  
3rd year 22 48  
4th year 12 60  
5th year   50 12
TOTAL 124 224 12


Period of study


Part-time or full-time

Full-time dedication

Basic and compulsory training

1st year 2nd year 
Communication Skills in an Educational Environment (*)
Digital and Social and Emotional Learning (*)
Social Context and School Management
Personality Development (0-6 years)
Education and Educational Contexts
 Languages and Contexts I 
Language and Contexts II
Mathematics for Teachers
Practicum I (Early Childhood)
Observing the World: Interdisciplinary Projects

Learning Mathematics and the Curriculum
Didactics of Language in Early Childhood Education
Teaching and Learning Written Language and Literature Early Childhood Education 
 Teaching Methods and Curriculum Development 
Physical Education in Primary Education  
Early Childhood Education Centres
Language and Curricula
Systematic Observation and Analysis of Contexts
 Practicum II (Early Childhood Education)
Educational and Learning Processes (0-6 years)
Society, Family and School
Contemporary Theories and Practices in Education
3rd year  4th year  
Learning and Development I
Body Education and Psychomotricity in Early Childhood Education Centres I
Didactics of Knowledge of the Natural and Social Environment in Early Childhood Education I
Didactics of Knowledge of the Natural and Social Environment in Early Childhood Education I
Inclusive Education: Specific Educational Needs in Early Childhood Education
Education of Visual Arts in Early Childhood Education I
Education of Visual Arts in Early Childhood Education II
Didactics of Musical Expression in Early Childhood Education I
 Musical and Visual Education 
Teaching and Learning of Knowledge of the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment
Early Childhood, Health and Food
Mathematics on the Early Childhood Education Curriculum
Organisation of the School Space, Teaching Materials and Skills
Learning and Development II
Teaching of Social Sciences
Teaching of Experimental Sciences 
Teaching of Music in Early Childhood Education II 
Differences and Inclusion 
Physical Education and Teaching I
Musical, Visual and Learning Education
Body Education and Psychomotricity in Early Childhood Education II
Management and Innovation in the Mathematics Classroom
Mathematical Practice in Early Childhood Education Classrooms
Languages and Learning
 Planning, Research and Innovation 
Practicum II (Primary Education)
Practicum III (Primary Education)
Centre’s Linguistic Project and Multilingualism 
5th year    
Practicum III (Early Childhood Education)
Practicum IV (Primary Education)
 Practicum IV (Early Childhood Education)
Practicum V Primary Education)
Final Project in Early Childhood Education
Final Project in Primary Education