Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Communication in Organisations
Study guides
The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.
The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.
1st year
104764 - Communication Structure
104766 - Expression and Argumentation in Catalan
104767 - Expression and Argumentation in Spanish
104763 - History of Communication
104768 - Introduction to Contemporary Economics
104784 - Basic Communication Technologies
104776 - Theory and Structure of Public Relations
106095 - Theory and Techniques of Speech Construction and Speech Delivery
2nd year
104770 - Communication Law and Professional Deontology
104772 - Contemporary Political Actors and Institutions (2023-24)
104769 - Records and Archive Management
104779 - Corporate Communication: Strategic Plans
104787 - Creation and Management of Social Network Content
104780 - Internal Communication
104786 - Writing and Audiovisual Communication Techniques in Organisations
3rd year
104773 - Basic Research Methods in Communication
104790 - Basic Statistics (2023-24)
104775 - Communication Marketing
104777 - Events Organisation and Management
104774 - Introduction to Marketing (2023-24)
104789 - Negotiation, Mediation and Leadership Techniques in Organisations
104782 - Public Image Management
104788 - Social Corporate Responsibility
4th year
104805 - Bachelor's Degree Final Project
106674 - Advanced Digital Content Management
106675 - Big Data and Data Visualisation
104800 - Business Models for Communication Companies (2023-24)
104795 - Communication and Gender
104797 - Communication and Public Opinion
104796 - Communication, Development and Cooperation
104793 - Creation and Organisation of Electoral Campaigns
104803 - Culture and Entertainment Industries
104801 - Direction and Management of Organisation and Human Resources (2023-24)
104799 - Graphic Design and Infographics
104783 - Institutional and Corporate Photography
104794 - Political Communication