The first electric vehicle recharging point
The UAB campus already has the first electric vehicle recharging point located on Eix Central Avenue, below Plaça Cívica. This point allows charging an electric vehicle in a time of between 2 and 4 hours, depending on the vehicle model. The possibility of recharging two vehicles at the same time from a single equipment allows to minimize the installation costs and the aesthetic impact of these infrastructures on public roads.
In case of power cut, the recharging point has a battery that guarantees the retention of the cable of the users.
The service is free during the promotion period, which is still to be determined and will depend on the demand.
People who want to use it should write to
The saving of electric car compared to the conventional, fossil fuel car, is considerable. Thus, doing 100 km with an electric vehicle would cost the user a cost of 1,30€ in energy; while with a conventional car it would pay about 5 times more (6,5€), taking into account a cost of KWh of 0,10€ and 1,30€ per liter of gasoline.
All this without counting other savings such as maintenance (25% cheaper), parking (free in blue areas), tax exemptions, etc. And most importantly, the saving of CO2 for the atmosphere, which in an average gasoline car (engine 1600) can be about 25kg in a 100km journey.
This point belongs to the CITY DUO product line that has been designed respecting the guidelines of the international standard IEC 61851, offering the possibility of loading vehicles according to modes 1, 2 and 3 of this standard, being able to realize the simultaneous semi-rapid loading of two electric vehicles
In addition, these charging points are intelligent and, therefore, can be remotely monitored and controlled; and they allow to obtain consumption statistics.
This measure is part of the UAB Mobility Plan 2018-24, approved in June 2018, which aims to increase accessibility in the Bellaterra campus of the UAB in an efficient, sustainable, safe and inclusive manner; through the empowerment of more sustainable means of transport.
Specifically, the measure is part of the battery of proposals to promote the electric vehicle that are part of the Specific Strategic Line 3 on the rationalization of the use of private vehicles.