On November 6th we enjoyed three days at the Faculty of Communication Sciences

Imatge de Judith Membrives, Carles Planas, Patricia Ventura i Josep Àngel Guimerà a la xerrada
Judith Membrives, Carles Planas, Patricia Ventura i Josep Àngel Guimerà

On Monday, November 6, three days were held in the context of campus activities at the Faculty of Communication Sciences.


On Monday, November 6, three days were held in the context of campus activities at the Faculty of Communication Sciences.

The talk No ESTEU solxs was organized by the Equality Commission and aimed to present to students and professionals the Service of attention and prevention to victims of sexist violence in the audiovisual and performing arts sector.
This was taught in classroom 5 (teaching classrooms) of the faculty by the professionals Aina Troncoso, psychologist and trainer, specialized in sexist violence and affective, sexual and gender diversity and Laia Aubia, director of the Catalan Film Academy since 2018.

On the other hand, Jordi Esqué, from the company El despertador, held the talk organized by the UAB Employability Service that was named Identify your professional objective and define what you want to be big! This was considered an eminently practical activity. Through various dynamics and the interaction of the group, each participant was able to reflect on their professional objective in accordance with their strengths, motivations and their own job expectations. An analysis of jobs and job offers was also carried out to learn more about the possibilities offered by the labour market.

Finally, the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UAB and Ramon Barnils Group of Journalists co-organised a table under the name: Covering technology: How is artificial intelligence reported in Catalonia?
Enric Borràs, deputy director of the Ara, Judith Membrives, digitization technician of Lafede.cat, Carles Planas, technological journalist of El Periódico de Catalunya, Patricia Ventura, independent consultant and expert in journalism and artificial intelligence and Josep Àngel Guimerà, professor of journalism at the UAB as moderator, participated in this event.
They addressed different issues that are at the intersection between society, technology and journalism. The results of the research were also presented. How is artificial intelligence reported? Analysis and recommendations with a human rights perspective.