New configuration of bus service lines at the UAB
Starting on 8 January 2024, changes in the UAB's internal bus service lines will come into operation, which will optimise the available resources while maintaining frequencies and increasing the service timetable in the early hours to meet the needs of people arriving earlier to the campus. The progressive incorporation of less polluting vehicles will contribute to the reduction of the UAB's carbon footprint.
The new configuration of lines that will come into service from 8 January 2024 involves an increase in service hours (the first service begins 30 minutes earlier, at 7:15 a.m.) and is structured around 2 time slots: from 7:15 a.m. to 7 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
From 7:15 a.m. to 7 p.m.
In this time slot, the new configuration involves maintaining lines 1 and 2 but with changes in the routes. Until now, the lines followed linear routes to and from the station along the same axis; the same line was used to travel to and from the station. From January onwards, the lines will run in a circular route, so that the route between the station and the campus will run on one line and between the campus and the station on the other. During this period, frequencies will be approximately every 10 minutes.
The new circular routes will connect Cercanías-Campus with the north and south axes of the Campus itself, also incorporating connections between the Eix Central Sud bus station and the most distant faculties with the L2. In this way, staff and vehicles from L3 (which is no longer necessary) will be incorporated into lines 1 and 2, allowing the 10-minute frequency to be maintained even though the routes are twice as long:
- L1 (blue line): Renfe-Rectorat-Vila-Renfe (counterclockwise circular route)
- L2 (red line): Renfe-Vila-Rectorat-Renfe (clockwise circular route)
With this new configuration, therefore, to make the journey from the train station to the Lletres i Psicologia stop as quickly as possible, the L1 can be used as before. However, to make the reverse journey, Lletres i Psicologia to the train station, it will be necessary to use the L2. To go to Vila, for example, L2 will continue to be the reference line, stopping at Vila Nord, while to return to the station, it will be necessary to use L1 from Vila Sud.
From 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
After 7 p.m., given the decrease in demand, only one bus line will be operating, the LV (línia vespre, or evening line), a circular line which will run in a clockwise direction, thus guaranteeing both transport away from the campus to the train station, and from the train station back to the campus.
All routes and timetables of the new UAB bus lines can be consulted at the UAB mobility website, at the QR codes located at the bus stops and at the BusosUAB app.