All the news
Professor Jordi Sort receives a new Proof of Concept grant from the ERC
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the results of the final round of its Proof of Concept 2024 Grant competition, with a total of 134 projects selected. ICREA researcher from the UAB Department of Physics Jordi Sort has been selected as one of the winners, with a grant of €150,000 for the SECURE-FLEXIMAG project, aimed at improving data security with new magnetic devices.
Nobel Prize Conferences 2024 at the Faculty of Sciences and Biosciences of the UAB
Next Wednesday, December 11, at 3 p.m., the Auditorium of Building C will host the conferences dedicated to the 2024 Nobel Prizes. The event will feature the participation of UAB experts who will delve into the scientific advances awarded in Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Physics.
IFAE joins global LIGO collaboration to advance gravitational wave research
IFAE has joined the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, strengthening its contributions to international gravitational wave research using terrestrial interferometry. This milestone further establishes IFAE as a key player in global efforts to push the boundaries of our understanding of the cosmos.
Presentation: The Royal Spanish Society of Physics-BBVA Foundation Physics Awards 2024 on the UAB campus
Next Tuesday, November 26 at 1:00 p.m., we will host this presentation with the participation of Ignasi Fina Martínez (senior scientist at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), and the award winners Daniel Martín Jiménez (post-doctoral researcher at ICMAB-CSIC) and Martí Perarnau Llobet (Ramón y Cajal post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Physics at the UAB). Both of them are coming to present to us the physics they have in mind!
Two UAB Sphere researchers awarded ERC Synergy Grants
Diego Blas, ICREA researcher at the IFAE, and Kostas Kostarelos, ICREA research professor and Severo Ochoa distinguished professor at the ICN2, have been awarded European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grants for the development of research projects under the EU’s Horizon Europe programme.
Temperature at Roque de los Muchachos rose in 20 years twice as much as predicted by climate models
The meteorological data recorded over the past two decades by sensors of the Roque de los Muchachos astronomical observatory facilities point to a rise of 1.1 ºC in the average temperature. The analysis, led by UAB researchers, shows more than double the increase predicted by climate models for the same area, and even more than expected for the next 20 years.
Martí Perarnau Llobet receives Young Researcher Award in theoretical physics
Department of Physics researcher Martí Perarnau Llobet received the Spanish Royal Physics Society-BBVA Foundation Award in the category of Young Researcher in Theoretical Physics. Perarnau recently began to work as a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UAB Quantum Information Group.
Fallados los Premios de Física Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF) - Fundación BBVA
Los Premios de Física Real Sociedad Española de Física-Fundación BBVA reconocen anualmente desde 2008 la creatividad, el esfuerzo y el logro en el campo de la física con el fin de servir de estímulo a los profesionales que desarrollan su labor tanto en la investigación, como en los ámbitos de las enseñanzas secundaria y universitaria, la innovación, la tecnología y la divulgación. Se presentan a continuación los galardonados en la edición de 2024 y la composición de los jurados.
Improved predictions of methane gas emissions in tidal wetlands
An International study led by UAB researcher Ariane Arias-Ortiz, and published in Global Change Biology, has analysed methane gas fluxes in over a hundred tidal wetlands and marshes in the USA. The analysis has identified key environmental factors affecting methane emissions and has allowed a larger set of standardised data on greenhouse gas emissions in those ecosystems to be produced. These data can be used to account for greenhouse gases with greater precision and improve climate models.
Outreach talk by Rafel Escribano for the UAB Physics Students Association
Rafel Escribano gave the talk “Electroweak Symmetry Breaking”, in the UAB Science Faculty, as part of the monthly pizza seminar organized by the UAB Physics Students Association, a delegation of the RSEF students association.