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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Chemistry

Director's Curriculum Vitae


Director of the Department

Dr. Lluis Escriche Martínez

Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Director of the Chemistry Department

Short curriculum vitae


  • Degree in Chemistry
  • Master in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Master in Fine Chemistry and Polymers
  • Master in Chemical Experimentation
  • Doctorate in Chemistry
  • Doctorate in Materials Science


Member of the SGR group “Selective Oxidation Catalysis” (SelOxCat) (2021 SGR 00095)

Areas of interest

  • Coordination Chemestry
  • Nanomaterials for the development of new energy conversion schemes.
  • Selective catalytic processes for oxidative transformations

Selected publications

Insights into the light-driven hydrogen evolution reaction of mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride decorated with Pt or Ru nanoparticles

Ignacio Álvarez-Prada, Anh Dung Nguyen, Nuria Romero, Heting Hou, Elisabetta Benazzi,   Lluís Escriche, Amitava Acharjya, Arne Thomas, Michael Schwarze, Reinhard Schomäcker, Xavier Sala, Mirco Natali,  Jordi García-Antón  and  Minoo Tasbih. Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51(2), pp. 731–740. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1DT03006J

A molecular approach to the synthesis of platinum-decorated mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride as selective CO2 reduction photocatalyst

Ignacio Álvarez-Prada, Anh Dung Nguyen, Nuria Romero, Heting Hou, Elisabetta Benazzi, Lluís Escriche, Amitava Acharjya, Arne Thomas,  Michael Schwarze, Reinhard Schomäcker, Xavier Sala, Mirco Natali, Jordi García-Antón and  Minoo Tasbih. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2021, 50, 101574 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcou.2021.101574

Ruthenium nanoparticles supported on carbon-based nanoallotropes as co-catalyst to enhance the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity of carbon nitride

Ignacio Álvarez-Prada, Daniel Peral, Mary Song, Jose Muñoz, Nuria Romero, Lluís Escriche, Amitava Acharjya, Arne Thomas, Reinhard Schomäcker, Michael Schwarze, Xavier Sala, Minoo Tasbihi, Jordi García-Antón. Renewable Energy, 2021, 168, pp. 668–675 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.12.070

Synthesis of 0D to 3D hybrid-carbon nanomaterials carrying platinum(0) nanoparticles: Towards the electrocatalytic determination of methylparabens at ultra-trace levels.

Muñoz Martín, José M.; Álvarez Prada, Ignacio; Lopez Lopez, Eric; Escriche, Lluís; Romero, Nuria; Sala, Xavier; Mas Torrent, Marta; García Antón, Jordi. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2020, 305, 127467. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2019.127467

Dissimilar catalytic behavior of molecular or colloidal palladium systems with a new NHC ligand

Fernando Gómez-Villarraga, Jonathan De Tovar, Miguel Guerrero, Pau Nolis, Teodor Parella, Pierre Lecante, Nuria Romero, Lluís Escriche, Roger Bofill, Josep Ros, Xavier Sala, Karine Philippot and  Jordi García-Antón. Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46(35), pp. 11768–11778. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7DT02729J