Director's Curriculum Vitae

Director of the Department
Dr. Lluis Escriche Martínez
Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Director of the Chemistry Department
Short curriculum vitae
- Degree in Chemistry
- Master in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Master in Fine Chemistry and Polymers
- Master in Chemical Experimentation
- Doctorate in Chemistry
- Doctorate in Materials Science
Member of the SGR group “Selective Oxidation Catalysis” (SelOxCat) (2021 SGR 00095)
Areas of interest
- Coordination Chemestry
- Nanomaterials for the development of new energy conversion schemes.
- Selective catalytic processes for oxidative transformations
Selected publications
Insights into the light-driven hydrogen evolution reaction of mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride decorated with Pt or Ru nanoparticles
Ignacio Álvarez-Prada, Anh Dung Nguyen, Nuria Romero, Heting Hou, Elisabetta Benazzi, Lluís Escriche, Amitava Acharjya, Arne Thomas, Michael Schwarze, Reinhard Schomäcker, Xavier Sala, Mirco Natali, Jordi García-Antón and Minoo Tasbih. Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51(2), pp. 731–740.
A molecular approach to the synthesis of platinum-decorated mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride as selective CO2 reduction photocatalyst
Ignacio Álvarez-Prada, Anh Dung Nguyen, Nuria Romero, Heting Hou, Elisabetta Benazzi, Lluís Escriche, Amitava Acharjya, Arne Thomas, Michael Schwarze, Reinhard Schomäcker, Xavier Sala, Mirco Natali, Jordi García-Antón and Minoo Tasbih. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2021, 50, 101574
Ruthenium nanoparticles supported on carbon-based nanoallotropes as co-catalyst to enhance the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity of carbon nitride
Ignacio Álvarez-Prada, Daniel Peral, Mary Song, Jose Muñoz, Nuria Romero, Lluís Escriche, Amitava Acharjya, Arne Thomas, Reinhard Schomäcker, Michael Schwarze, Xavier Sala, Minoo Tasbihi, Jordi García-Antón. Renewable Energy, 2021, 168, pp. 668–675 .
Synthesis of 0D to 3D hybrid-carbon nanomaterials carrying platinum(0) nanoparticles: Towards the electrocatalytic determination of methylparabens at ultra-trace levels.
Muñoz Martín, José M.; Álvarez Prada, Ignacio; Lopez Lopez, Eric; Escriche, Lluís; Romero, Nuria; Sala, Xavier; Mas Torrent, Marta; García Antón, Jordi. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2020, 305, 127467.
Dissimilar catalytic behavior of molecular or colloidal palladium systems with a new NHC ligand
Fernando Gómez-Villarraga, Jonathan De Tovar, Miguel Guerrero, Pau Nolis, Teodor Parella, Pierre Lecante, Nuria Romero, Lluís Escriche, Roger Bofill, Josep Ros, Xavier Sala, Karine Philippot and Jordi García-Antón. Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46(35), pp. 11768–11778.