On Wednesday, February 12th at 15:00h we will have the following seminar in person in the seminar room E2:
Orsola Garofalo (Copenhagen Business School) will present her paper “Crowdfunding for Youth Entrepreneurship in Tanzania: Evidence from a field experiment," alongside Nsubili Isaga (College of Business Mzumbe University), Hadar Gafni (King’s Business School), Pascal Daudi Ndaki (College of Business Mzumbe University), Diego Zunino (KTO Research Center), Lars Bo Jeppesen (Copenhagen Business School), and Hawa Pedro (College of Business Mzumbe University)
Seminaris Realitzats
Wednesday, February 12th
“Crowdfunding for Youth Entrepreneurship in Tanzania: Evidence from a field experiment,"
Orsola Garofalo (Copenhagen Business School) alongside Nsubili Isaga (College of Business Mzumbe University), Hadar Gafni (King’s Business School), Pascal Daudi Ndaki (College of Business Mzumbe University), Diego Zunino (KTO Research Center), Lars Bo Jeppesen (Copenhagen Business School), and Hawa Pedro (College of Business Mzumbe University)
Wednesday, January 22nd
“Escaping Product Market Rivalry through Innovation,”
Bruno Cassiman (IESE Business School) alongside Dandan Xia (Utrecht University) and David Wehrheim (IESE Business School)
Wednesday, January 15th
“Strategic Liability Management Under Unconventional Monetary Policy: Evidence from European Banks,”
Nima Fazeli (Paris School of Business) alongside Michael Sigmund (Oesterreichische Nationalbank)
Wednesday, December 11th
"Data and Analytics in the Era of GAI: A Historical and Forward-Looking Perspective"
Zhiwei Zhu (Purdue University)
Wednesday, November 20th
“Network agency unlocks the world of advice: Entrepreneurs’ networking intensity and social skills,”
Kim Klyver (University of Southern Denmark) join work with Mette Søgaard Nielsen (University of Southern Denmark), Mark T. Schenkel (Belmont University), and Tom Elfring (University of Liverpool)
Wednesday, November 6th
“Ecosystem Alignment and Relationship-Specificity,”
Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda (Pontificia Univerisdad Católica de Chile) joint work with Xun (Brian) Wu (Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan)
Wednesday, October 30th
“Bridging Corporate Communication and Marketing Narratives for organizational success: How collaboration happens.”
Cecilia Casalegno (University of Torino)
Wednesday, October 2nd
“Industry 4.0, a double-edged sword: driving exports at the cost of technological leadership and employment”
Joan Freixanet (UAB)
Wednesday, September 25th
“Internal promotion or external hire? Staffing management positions when employees have a seat in the boardroom”
Aleksandra Gregoric (Copenhagen Business School), joint work with Takao Kato (Colgate University) and Casper B.L. Larsen (Copenhagen Business School).
Wednesday, June 19th
"I can get Satisfaction... but also want Innovation! A Customer-based approach" (joint with Lola C. Duque, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Tor W. Andreassen, Norwegian School of Economics)
Luis Santamaria (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Friday, May 17th
"Fintech development and credit risk in the Chinese banking industry: Mechanisms and heterogeneities” (joint with Pablo de Andrés and Nuria Suárez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
Zijia Huang (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Wednesday, May 8th
“The income model of new social ventures: A resource-dependence perspective” along with Jairo A. Ruiz Nava (Tecnológico de Monterrey).
Ana Maria Bojica (Universidad de Granada)
Tuesday, May 7th
“From holistically to accidentally sustainable: a study of motivations and identity expression in sustainable living” (joint with Kevin Money, University of Reading, and David Littlewood, The University of Sheffield).
Irene Garnelo Gómez (Henley Business School)
Monday, May 6th
“Redefining Crowd Investor Engagement: A Behavioural Analysis of Equity Crowdfunding Dynamics” (joint with Pablo de Andrea Moro –Cranfield University– and Joakim Winborg –Lund University).
Camilla Civardi (Lund University)
Monday, April 29th
“The catalytic role of citizens' sense of belonging in public value co-creation in LGs: Evidence from the annual financial report and lessons from popular reporting”
Sotirios Karatzimas (Athens University of Economics and Business), joint work with Sandra Cohen (Athens University of Economics and Business).
Friday, April 26th
“In search of a non-anthropocentric middle-range theory of the firm: On how the Patagonia Purpose Trust granted a controlling stake to nature”
Marybel Perez (ESSCA School of Management), joint with Alejandro Agafonow, ESSCA School of Management.
Thursday, April 25th
“Does the Visibility of LGBTQ+ Directors Influence Firm Value? The Mediating Role of ESG”
Ryan Federo (Universitat de les Illes Balears), joint with Ruth Aguilera (Northeastern University).
Wednesday, April 24th
“Early venturing in networks: an exchange-based perspective”
Paravskevi Dimakou (Stockholm School of Economics), joint with Sarah Jack and Stefanos Mouzas.
April 17th, 2024
Max Braun (LMU Munich)
April 16th, 2024
Oday Tamimi (University of Debrecen)
April 9th, 2024
“CEO social power, board inclusiveness, and corporate performance after ethnic conflicts”
Emil Uduwalage (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka), joint work with Kamil Nazliben and Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University).
April 8th, 2024
“Accounts, Accountability and Remedial Work in Error Cascades: The case of Boeing 737 MAX”
Saheli Nath (University of Central Oklahoma)
April 5th, 2024
“I am Religious, Therefore I am Good: The Influence of Consumer Religiosity on Purchase Intentions of Unethical Brands”.
Frank Cabano (University of Texas)
April 4th, 2024
“Opera streaming: perceived value as an explanatory factor for loyalty and intention to attend an opera in an opera house”
Yacine Ouazzani (University of Burgundy), joint with Haydeé Calderón-García & Berta Tubillejas-Andrés, University of Valencia.
March 22nd, 2024
“Linking secondary plastics suppliers and consuming companies: The Role of Purchasing”
Lineth Rodríguez (GBSB Global Business School), joint with Katia PICAUD-BELLO, ESSCA School of Management.
March 19th, 2024
“Citizens’ preferences for urban transport to improve social mobility and women's comfort: Identifying low-cost interventions for public transport in a resource-constraint environment”
David Palma (University of Leeds), joint with Ajaz Ahmed, Social Protection Resource Centre, Islamabad Pakistan.
March 14th, 2024
“A compositional optimization for a convex clustering method”
Paula de la Lama (Universitat de Girona)
March 13th, 2024
“Socially Responsible Investors and Stock Price Informativeness”
Weiming Zhang (Elaine) (IE Business School), joint work with Yong George Yang (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Xintong Zhan (Fudan University), and Yaojia Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong).
February 21st, 2024
“Symbolic and substantive commitment to sustainability in new ventures: The role of opportunity perception and organizational growth,”
Matilde Ruiz-Arroyo (Universidad de Granada) along with Ana Maria Bojica (Universidad de Granada).
February 8th, 2024
“Gender and sex in starting up: a social stereotype approach,”
Francisco Liñán (Universidad de Sevilla) along with Inmaculada Jaén and Maria J. Rodríguez (Universidad de Sevilla).
January 31st, 2024
“Designing regional innovation policies from innovation scoreboards: which are the bottlenecks and trade-offs of innovation policy?,”
Jon Mikel Zabala (Desuto Business School) along with Juan Carlos Salazar (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Stephanie Grimbert (Deusto Business School and Lund University).
January 29th, 2024
“Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Burnout in Primary Care Settings: A Study in the Barcelona Metronord Area, Spain”
Gemma Seda (UAB- Nova professora lectora del Departament)
January 17th, 2024
“Impact of virtual reality experiences on destination image and visit intentions,”
Francisco Rejón (Universidad de Málaga) coauthored with Rafael Anaya, and Sebastián Molinillo (Universidad de Málaga)
December 13th, 2023
“Different Strokes for Different Folks”: The role of Entry, Growth and Exit-type Regulation on Productive Entrepreneurship”
Maksim Belitski (Henley Business School —University of Reading, and College of Business —Loyola University New Orleans) joint work with Samee Desai (Indiana University, USA)
November 29th, 2023
“Time to Come Back: The Effects of Export Market Re-Entry and Time-Out Period on Innovation”
Joan Freixanet (Graduate School of Management – St. Petersburg University) joint work with Josep Rialp Criado (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Fernando Angulo (MacEwan University School).
November 22nd, 2023
“Credit Ratings and Abnormal Investment Behavior”
Florian Kiesel (Free University of Bozen Bolzano)
November 15th, 2023
“Are Employees Happier in Entrepreneurial Organizations? The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Employee Well-Being”
Coen Rigtering (Utrecht University), joint work with Max Mulhuijzen (Free University Amsterdam); Mathew Hughes (University of Leicester) and Daniel Cowen (Groningen University).
October 18th, 2023
“Skeletons in the Closet: Should Brands Disclose Historical Transgressions?,”
Fabien Pecot (Toulouse Business School) coauthored by Lunar Renaut (Kedge Business School), Chaney Damien (EM Normandie, Metis Lab), and Chan Eugene (Ryerson University).
October 4th, 2023
“Do Retail Stores Benefit from Headquarter Site Visits? Knowledge Exchange and Knowledge Spillover Effects”
Nan Jiang (Pompeu Fabra University) joint work with Jan Bouwens (University of Amsterdam), Peter Kroos (University of Amsterdam) and Jingwen Zhang (Erasmus University Rotterdam).
September 27th, 2023
“The diffusion of information on social responsibility and sustainability by Spanish universities”
Cecilio Mar (University of Kent) coauthored by Fabiola Portillo Pérez de Viñaspre (Universidad de La Rioja)
June 22th, 2023
“Do institutional dimensions matter at different stages of the entrepreneurial process? A multi-country study,”
Tatiana López (Escoles FUABformació) coauthored by Claudia Álvarez (Universidad de Medellín) and David Urbano (UAB)
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Management and Accounting)
June 21th, 2023
“The effect of brand names and logos' figurativeness on memory: An experimental approach”
Joana Machado (Católica Porto Business School) joint work with Paulo de Lencastre (Católica Porto Business School) and Patrício Costa (University of Porto, University of Minho).
June 15th, 2023
“The impact of gender and culture on networking and venture creation: An exploratory study in Turkey and MENA region,”
Tugba Kalafatoglu (ESADE Business School) coauthored by Xavier Mendoza (ESADE).
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Organization)
June 14th, 2023
“Evaluating the Impact of Knowledge and Innovation Transfer on the Sustainability of Agri-Food Sector,”
Nour Chams (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) coauthored by Bouali Guesmi, Mireia Molins I Folch, Rosa Cubel, Jose Maria Gil (UPC)
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Organization)
June 12th, 2023
“Interpreting Stakeholder Ecosystems through Relational Stakeholder Theory: the case of a highly contested Megaproject”
Dario Cottafava (University of Turin, Italy)
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Organization)
June 7th, 2023
“Information Processing Frictions and Price Informativeness: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,”
Miguel Karlo de Jesús (CUNEF Universidad) coauthored by Ariadna Dumitrescu (CUNEF Universidad)
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Finance/Accounting)
June 6th, 2023
“Director appointments from shareholder connections: Evidence from common ownership”
Yang Cao (Grenoble Ecole de Management)
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Finance/Accounting)
May 31st, 2023
“Re-thinking paradigm and methodology in qualitative IB research,”
Jorge Lengler (Durham University Business School) co-authored by Roberta Aguzzoli (Durham University), Stewart Miller (University of Texas, San Antonio), and Agnieszka (Aggie) Chidlow (University of Birmingham).
May 29th, 2023
“Financial inclusion in Turkey: unpacking the provincial inequality and its determinants,”
Sefa Takmaz (Bakircay University) co-authored by Erkam Sari (Aydin Adnan Menderes University), and Sedat Alatas (National Research University Higher School of Economics).
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Finance/Accounting)
May 24th, 2023
“Educational equity in the OECD countries: a multidimensional analysis using composite indicators,”
Gabriela Sicilia (Universidad de La Laguna) joint work with Giovanna D’Inverno (University of Pisa), Cristina Polo and Rosa Simancas (Universidad de Extremadura)
The invited speaker is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Operations)
May 17th, 2023
“Digitalisation in firms: An analysis of determinants and outcomes of European high-growth enterprises"
Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) joint work with Peter Bauer (Joint Research Centre – European Comission Belgium), Alex Coad (Waseda Business School), Clemens Domnick (Joint Research Centre – European Comission Spain), Peter Harasztosi, Desirée Rückert and Christoph Weiss (European Investment Bank)
May 3rd, 2023
“Liquidity Pressure and Sovereign-Bank Diabolic Loop,”
Mehdi Janbaz (University of Udine & University of Trieste) who is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Finance)
April 26th, 2023
“How to distribute the European Regional Development Funds through a combination of egalitarian allocations: the CELmin.”
Foroogh Salekpay (Universitat Rovira I Virgili) who is interested in a job tenure track in the department (Area: Finance)
April 12th, 2023
“Politics versus Economics: The Case of Spanish Regional Financing"
Daniel Aparicio-Pérez (Universitat Jaume I), joint work with Maria Teresa Balaguer-Coll, Arne Risa Hole, and Emili Tortosa-Ausina (Universitat Jaume I).
March 29th, 2023
“The effects of technology on entrepreneurship and well-being: A longitudinal analysis"
Nicholas Litsardopoulos (Kent Business School), joint work with George Saridakis (Kent Business School).
March 8th, 2023
“The implication of Board's independence, size, and gender inequality on Airports’ Efficiency”
Ane Ripoll-Zarraga (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) joint work with Sonia Huderek-Glapskab (Department of Microeconomics) and Anna Chwikowska-Kubalac (Department of Organisation and Management Theory), Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUEB)
February 22nd, 2023
“Exploring the entrepreneurial passion-behavior relationship through implementation intentions: the moderating roles of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and risk-taking propensity”
Pieter Vandekerkhof and Maarten Colson (University of Hasselt, Belgium), joint work with Wim Marneffe and Jelle Schepers (University of Hasselt)
February 8th, 2023
"Academic engagement and the effect of team experience and diversity on research performance: An exploratory approach"
Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
January 18th, 2023
"Do sustainability strategies increase the competitiveness of firms?"
Arild Aspelund (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
November 30th, 2022
"Do too many cooks spoil the broth? How reporting to multiple managers affects worker performance"
Rocío Bonet (IE Business School), joint work with Fabrizio Salvador (IE Business School) and Athena Tsouderou (University of Miami).
November 16th, 2022
"Trapped in the Golden Cage: The Role of Family-Affiliation in Female Directors’ Contribution to Family Firm Performance"
Yuliya Ponomareva (UAB), joint work with Domenico Rocco Cambrea (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Mariateresa Torchia (International University of Monaco) and Andrea Calabrò (IPAG Business School).
October 26th, 2022
"Efficiency analysis of the tourist accommodation sector in Spain"
Cristina Campos Alba (University of Granada) joint work with María Ibarrondo Dávila (University of Granada), Gemma Pérez López (University of Granada) and Jésus Vela-Victoria (University of Granada)
October 5th, 2022
"The Upscaling Effect: How the Decision Context Influences Tradeoffs between Desirability and Feasibility"
Ioannis Evangelidis, Associate Professor of Marketing at ESADE Business School (joint work with Jonathan Levav (Stanford University) and Itamar Simonson (Stanford University))
June 8th, 2022
Revenue sharing and volume flexibility in the supply chain
Florina Silaghi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) (with Nicos Koussis –Frederick University Cyprus)
June 1st, 2022
The impact of industry 4.0 on the 2017 version of the Uppsala model
Mario Glowik (Berlin School of Economics and Law) (with Waheed Akbar Bhatti –Aalborg University; Jan-Erik Vahlne –Gothenburg University; and Jorma Antero Larimo –University of Vaasa)
May 25th, 2022
Institutional conditions and export-oriented entrepreneurial activity: a cross-country analysis
Victor Martin-Sanchez (University of Soudern Denmark) (with Joan-Lluis Capelleras –UAB; and Ignacio Cortín-Pilart and Martin Larraza-Kintana –Universidad Pública de Navarra)
May 11th, 2022
The influence of individual characteristics on getting involved in an entrepreneurial team: The contingent role of individualism
José L. González-Pernía (Deusto Business School) (with Nathaly Pinzón –Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; and Javier Montero –Universidad de Zaragoza)
May 4th, 2022
The CDS market reaction to loan renegotiation announcements
Florina Silaghi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) (with Alfredo Martín-Oliver –University of Balearic Islands; and Ahmed Sewaid –INSPER)
April 6th, 2022
Long-term profitability, mean-reversion in earnings and optimal capital structure
Nicos Koussis (Frederick University) (with Elettra Agliardi –University of Bologna; and Marios Charalambides –Frederick University)
March 23rd, 2022
Investment timing and market feedback
Stefan Hirth (Aarhus Business School, Aarhus University) (with Matthias Lassak –Aarhus University)
March 9th, 2022
Get Out or Get Down: Rival Options in a Declining Market
Alcino Azevedo (Aston Business School) (with Roger Adkins –University of Bradford; and Dean Paxson –University of Manchester)
March 2nd, 2022
Corporate Purpose as a Competitive Advantage
Vicente Salas (Universidad de Zaragoza)
February 22nd, 2022
Subjective well-being in university students: is it enough with promoting entrepreneurial attitudes?
Sara Enrique (Universitat de València) (with Tomás, J. M., Oliver, A., Martínez-Gregorio, S. –Universitat de València)
February 9th, 2022
The Role of Organizational Implementation Capacities and Constraints in Firms’ Sequential Responses to Stakeholder Issues
Georg Wernicke (HEC Paris) (with Nikolas Rathert –Tilburg University; and Brayden King –Kellogg School of Management)
January 26th, 2022
Flying from venture-idea conception towards organizational emergence
Javier Montero – Universidad de Zaragoza (with José L. González-Pernía and Iñaki Peña – Deusto Business School)
December 16th, 2021
Digital lenders and the displacement of traditional banks
Sergio Vicente – University of Luxemburgo
December 1st, 2021
Towards a critique of corporate governance research
Sven-Olof Collin – Free University of Scania
November 24th, 2021
Determinants and Mechanisms for Firm Value Creation: The case of Large Firms and SMEs in Colombia
Fernando Cárdenas – Universidad EAFIT (with Juan Camilo Chaparro and Hernán Herrera – EAFIT)
November 15th, 2021
Stock price informativeness and the propagation of idiosyncratic shocks by institutional investors
José M. Martín-Flores – CUNEF (with Ivan Blanco and Alvaro Remesal – CUNEF)
October 27th, 2021
The influence of anthropomorphic dump bins on purchase intention of vice and virtue products
Salvador Ruiz de Maya – Universidad de Murcia (with Juan Carlos Londoño – Pontificia Universidad Javerniana Cali)
October 6th, 2021
Inter-temporal scapegoats: Government turnover and fiscal adjustment
Vicente Bermejo – ESADE Business School (with Jose María Abad –University of Exeter; Felipe Carozzi –London School of Economics; Andrés Gago –Universidad Tocuato di Tella)