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International workshop to strengthen gender and research ties

Autor foto: © Pablo Gallegos Riera
Participating in the workshop will be representatives of eight European universities and UAB research groups with renowned international projects, as well as groups and researchers specialising in gender studies.


The Observatory for Equality of the UAB will present its report on “Mapping & Critical Assessment of Exiting Tools for Including Gender in Research”. 

During the workshop, the observatory will present a report on the “Mapping & Critical Assessment of Existing Tools for Including Gender in Research”. The workshop forms part of the European project EGERA (Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia). EGERA, with a planned duration of four years, began in January 2014 and its objective is to achieve gender equality in the academic world and strengthen the gender dimension in research, based on the following essential pillars: analysis of structural inequality indicators, promotion of gender-friendly working and learning environments, and awareness-raising on gender issues amongst the community.

The project's research team at the UAB is made up of Montserrat Rifà-Valls, Sílvia Carrasco, Maria Prat, Begonya Sáez, Georgeta Ion, Laura Duarte and Maribel Ponferrada.

In the afternoon session reserved for researchers, attendants will discuss the tools provided by the European Committee to introduce the perspective of gender in the different phases of research. In this meeting, leading UAB groups from different scientific disciplines and with important international trajectories will be participating. Some of them include: The GEPOC group (GEPOC – Grup d’Estudi de Processos Oceànics i Climàtic) belonging to ICTA (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology), IBB (Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine), the HPC4EAS group (High Performance Computing for Efficient Applications and Simulations), the CORE in Mental Health, the Institut d’Envelliment, the Comparative and Functional Genomics Group, the Department of Psychobiology, the Journalism Lab, the Antígona Research Group, the Centre for the Study of Prehistoric Archaeological Heritage (CEPAP), as well as experts on gender such as professors Teresa Paramio and Teresa Torns.

Opening Conference
Professor Sharlene Hesse-Biber will offer the conference on “Thinking Outside the Traditional Science/Knowledge Box: Applying Feminist Principles of Praxis to Enhance Credibility and Social Justice in Scientific Inquiry”. The conference will be held on 11 July at 10:30 am at the conference hall (Sala de graus) of the School of Engineering. In her conference, Dr Hesse-Biber will talk on the impact traditional scientific knowledge has had on the life of women and excluded groups, as well as the “Feminist Principles of Praxis” and their applications in research.