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Do you want to ensure top language quality when writing your doctoral thesis?

Ajuts a la redacció de tesis doctorals

The UAB has opened a called for grant applications for support in writing doctoral theses in Catalan and English in 2015. Consult the grant and financial aid search engine for complete information about the call.


The call for grant applications for support in writing doctoral theses in Catalan and English offers successful applicants guidance from one of the teachers at the Language Service during the process of writing their doctoral thesis in Catalan or English with the aim of improving language quality.

Support from teachers is in the form of occasional meetings to offer help and advice on the process of writing the thesis, which must be registered at the UAB.

If you would like to apply for one of these grants, or you want more information, please consult the UAB grants and financial aid search engine. There you will find the application conditions and requirements along with the type of support available.

Grants for support in writing doctoral theses in Catalan and English

For more information please see the Language Service website.