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Andreas Winter wins the IT Society award for best scientific article

Andreas Winter
ICREA researcher and lecturer of the Department of Physics Andreas Winter received the Information Theory Society Paper Award 2017, an annual award given to the most outstanding paper published in the past four year period.


The Information Theory Society is an organisation dedicated to developing the mathematical underpinnings of information technology for the benefit of humanity. Every year it awards an outstanding publication in the fields of interest to society appearing in the preceding four years.

This year's award-winning paper is "The Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem and Resource Tradeoffs for Simulating Quantum Channels" by researchers Charles Bennett, Igor Devetak, Aram Harrow, Peter Shor and Andreas Winter, who is an ICREA researcher at the Quantum Information and Quantum Phenomena group of the UAB Department of Physics.

The research represents a step forward for both quantum and classical information theory by presenting a comprehensive study of the basic problem of simulation of a noisy quantum/classical channel by a noiseless one in a large variety of settings. In addition to addressing on the reverse Shannon theorem, the paper provides a natural classification of different notions of capacity in quantum information theory.

The award is one of the IT Society's most important one and for the first time has been given to an article dedicated completely to the quantum information theory. This year's award winners were announced in the International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) held from 26 to 30 June in Aachen, Germany.

Link to the IT Society website

Award-winning paper: "The Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem and Resource Tradeoffs for Simulating Quantum Channels" [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60(5), 2926-2959, May 2014]