Alexander Year and Picasso Year

Picture of bibliographic exhibitions 'Alexander and Picasso Year'

The Humanities Library, on the occasion of the 50 years since the death of Picasso and 23 centuries since the death of Alexander the Great, has held two bibliographic exhibitions to commemorate these events.



On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso, the UAB has held a commemorative exhibition in the UAB Exhibition Hall (Communication Library and General Newspaper Library): 'Entre pro/spectives picassianes'. It is a space for relationship, creation and work that is developed in close connection with Picasso poetry. These exercises are born from educational-artistic practices that in some way touch on Picasso poetry and that have been previously carried out in these spaces in a collaborative and collective manner with various groups of students and researchers from the Department of Philosophy of the UAB, from EINA. Center for Art and Design, and the Picasso Doctorate (Picasso Museum of Barcelona, Department of Philosophy of the UAB and Université Jules Verne-Amiens). More information at: Cultura en Viu.

The Humanities Library has joined this 'Picassian' tribute by holding a bibliographic exhibition located in the display cases of the hall (floor 0), where you can also visit a second exhibition on the mythical Alexandre the Great, on the occasion of the commemoration of his death now 23 centuries ago.


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