General information
- Faculty of Science
- Bellaterra Campus
- Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
- Places: 40
- Admission mark: 9,947
- Price per credit: 18.46 Euros
- Language: Catalan (80%) and Spanish (20%).
- Academic calendar
- Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

The world we live in is increasingly focused on the production of data: scientists, industries, governments, socials entities, all produce enormous amounts of data. Statisticians are professionals capable of making the right decisions based on these data.
Statistics is the tool which permits obtaining knowledge from empirical evidence and that is why today it is the technology used in scientific methods. We find it at the core of the quality controls of the water we drink and in the drugs which cure diseases and lengthen our lifespan. It also contributes to the management of public and business policies. Statistics has a profound effect on our lives, given that it is the key to discovery and innovation.
The development of this field has represented the main application of mathematics in the 20th century. Its techniques are used in clinical trials, econometric and psychometric studies, population surveys, etc. It is also a fundamental tool to the new challenges posed by large volumes of data, automatic learning and artificial intelligence.
As a multidisciplinary campus, the UAB offers students the possibility to work on and improve their knowledge by using a variety of problems and data from the biohealth, biological, economic and social fields.
Career options
The obtaining of competitive advantages through the use of data has defined the profession of data scientists. It is a new and emerging profession and currently boasts one of the highest employment rates. The reason for this is simple: a data scientist plays a versatile role, given that data processing is essential in practically all economic sectors, and can throw light on any type of social phenomenon. Data scientists should have training in statistics and/or should work in multidisciplinary teams with statisticians, though possibly also with economists, information technologists, mathematicians, etc.
Some examples of specific fields in which companies and institutions actively use statistics are:
- Economics and finance: data analysis and granting of credits, research on surveys and opinion polls, marketing and sales departments, analysis of competitors, consultancy and identification of market niches.
- Industries and services: experiment design, quality control, improvement of processes and products, logistics and optimisation of distribution processes, geolocation of phenomena and people, retail trade and e-commerce (buying recommendations, direct marketing, etc.).
- Life sciences, health sciences, biohealth and psychology:: health, medicine, public healthcare, hospital management and health assistance, pharmaceutical industry, animal health, clinical trials, the environment, biology, agriculture, marine sciences.
- Public administrations: official statistics institutes, centres studying social trends and public opinion, demographic projections, use of cadastral information, local administration (smart cities, citizen collaboration and relations), assessment of public policies, etc.
- Teaching and research: secondary school teaching, university teaching and research, continuous learning and basic research.
- Media and social networks: print, radio, television, cinema, investigative journalism and data journalism. Very importantly, web analytics (views, visits, time on the page, new visits, pages per visit, etc.).