Resolve the call for innovation and improvement projects for teaching quality

Mural de la Facultat de Ciències

The resolution of the 2023 call for the Innovation and Teaching Quality Improvement Projects of the Faculty of Sciences that will be implemented during the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year or the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year is now available.


With the aim of promoting the improvement of the teaching and learning processes of students of one or more subjects of a degree of our faculty, an internal call for innovation projects and improvement of Teaching Quality was launched at the end of last year.

The corresponding Evaluation Committee decided to grant the grant to the following proposals:

  • From experience to knowledge: the construction of knowledge in physics based on the experience of everyday phenomena: this project aims to bring demonstrations of the most recurrent phenomena of physics to the classroom, establishing an appropriate calendar for these demonstrations in accordance with the teaching guide of the subjects of the degree in Physics involved. The objective is to enhance the observational and metaphysical aspect (where the question is what matters) in the learning of physics.
  • Medical physics as a vocation: the transversal learning of physics as a response to an ecosocial need: this project aims to promote vocations in medical physics with the aim of making known this job opportunity, which currently suffers from a deficit of professionals (hospital radiophysicists), to the students of the Physics degree. A compendium of exercises will be developed that can be used in different subjects so that students become familiar with this transversal discipline.
  • Suelos al Desnudo: Documentamos la Degradación hasta la Raíz: this project involves students in the production of documentary videos on soil degradation and its solutions to capture it in a different way, not only from an agricultural and productive perspective and, at the same time, promote creative learning and environmental awareness of students.
  • We build the Universe piece by piece or how Group Theory helps us to understand the evolution of the universe: this project aims to replace the mathematics underlying the Standard Model of particle physics, very complex and often cumbersome, with a game strategy with Lego pieces. Therefore, students will be able to approach modern physics in a more intuitive and observational way, reaching the same answers but in a qualitative way.

These projects will be implemented during the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year or the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.