Registrations open for the 2022/23 international mobility programmes

Estudiants internacionals treballant junts en un projecte

The international outgoing mobility call for the 2022/23 academic year will be open from 17 to 23 January 2022.

Please pay close attention to the dates in question, as the deadlines for both the application and the acceptance of places are very short.





This document provides updated information on the international mobility call (in Catalan only).

Destinations can be consulted at:

Erasmus+ programme Destinations

UAB Exchange Programme Destinations

Application can be made via Sigm@-SIA (Application and Enquiries for Outgoing Students).

Access SIA with your NIU and password. If you have not changed your password since the cyber-attack, please consult the news item published on 02/11/2021 ("Canvi de paraula de pas de l’entorn Microsoft per a l’alumnat”) (In Catalan only) . Your new password will also be used to access all corporate services that are now being restored.



This information is related to the following SDG