Laberintos 4th edition

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The programme will consist of four presentations. 


Fourth edition of the conference will revolve around four important topics in language teaching: designing effective language teaching materials, class contents from a lexical perspective, cognitive grammar and the use of social media in the classroom.  

Laberintos started in October 2015, as a teaching ang learning language conference. Laberintos 4 is a new event aimed at language which will be held next 1 June 2019 from 9 am to 2 pm in Casa Convalescència, Hospital Sant Pau. This year, the conference is organized in collaboration with editorial Difusión and the teacher training platform Campamento Norte. 

The programme will consist of four conferences, lead by four speakers: Meritxell Muñoz, teacher at UAB Idiomas Barcelona, who will speak about cognitive grammar, Sergio Troitiño, editorial Difusión, who will present class contents from a lexical approach. José Luis Espinosa, teacher and academic coordinator at UAB Idiomas Barcelona, will share different proposals to use social media in the classroom. Ana Aristu, trainer at Campamento Norte and teacher at UAB Idiomas Barcelona, will guide us to design effective language teaching materials. 

Download the programme and register to confirm attendance.