University Master's Degree in Paleobiology and Fossil Record

Several changes have been made to the study plan of this master's degree. Please check the information on the latest version here: Paleobiology and Fossil Record

Content Official Master's Degree in Paleobiology and Fossil Record

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Study guides

Master description

The master’s degree in Paleobiology is designed to be undertaken over one academic year, divided in two semesters. The structure of studies means that students have to study 30 obligatory in person ECTS, 20 of which are taught during the first semester, and 10 during the second semester.
The course is optional in nature and allows for the choice of subjects related to both Marine and Continental Paleobiology (modules 3 and 4, respectively, both 15 ECTS). On this master’s degree, classes are taught during the first semester and the number of teaching hours will be exactly the same for both modules, the difference being limited to the content of the teaching programmes of the respective specializations.
Finally a master’s degree thesis must be undertaken, equivalent to 15 ECTS tutored by one of the teachers, for students to complete the studies of the master’s degree. This must be an original research work in which the students show they have successfully acquired the skills and concepts dealt with during the course. The master’s degree thesis must be undertaken during the second semester. Exceptionally students may be allowed to undertake and defend their master’s degree thesis during the first semester, if they have satisfactorily finished the rest of the modules and if for some reason they had not been able to do so during the second semester of the year before.

Study plan structure



Type Credits
Compulsory 30
Optional 15
Master Thesis 15



Module Credits Type
Concepts in Evolutionary Paleobiology 9 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 15 OB
Methods and Techniques in Paleobiology 9 OB
Research in Paleontology, Heritage Management and Geotourism 12 OB
Continental Paleobiology 15 OT
Marine Paleobiology 15 OT



OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional