Content Official Master's Degree in Global East Asian Studies
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
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Recommended student material
First semester
Cultural Products, Representational Discourses and Transnational Identities (10 ECTS) OB: focuses on the study of the global circulation of cultural products and creative industries, identity currents and representational discourses emerging from East Asia, understood as a node of creative-cultural influences, political-identity processes and discursive-representational formations that transcend their regional limits, influencing the rest of the world. The course integrates the theoretical and conceptual contributions of anthropology and sociology, cultural and literary studies, and the study of media and visual culture, with the ultimate goal of understanding the global relevance of popular culture, identity formulations and East Asian representational configurations in the contemporary world.
Geopolitics, Economy and Environment (10 ECTS) OB: focuses on the study of the geopolitical, economic and environmental dynamics of East Asia in its interrelation with the rest of the world, with special emphasis on the role of China as a global power, the renewed international role of Japan, and the emergence of South Korea as a middle power. The course integrates the theoretical and conceptual contributions of political science and international relations, geopolitics and economics, and geography and environmental sciences, with the ultimate goal of understanding changes in international politics, economic transformations, and the challenging environmental issues that stem from the global incorporation of East Asia.
Mobility, Transport and Region. Planning and Management (6 ECTS) OT: addresses the key concepts of mobility and sustainable mobility, the social structure of mobility, social equity, social inclusion and exclusion, paradigms for the planning and management of daily movements and costs derived from mobility (environment, society, city). Specifically, it focuses on the following aspects: concepts and paradigms; economic, environmental and social costs; urban forms and mobility; city planning and its repercussions on mobility; sources of information; social structure; mobility and time; territorial infrastructure; and urban models and their repercussions on sustainable mobility.
Second semester
Politics and Society in Eastern Asia (10 ECTS) OB: focuses on the study of social structures and institutions and the political systems and forms of East Asian countries, with special emphasis on the challenges that, in terms of dissent, difference and diversity, arise at the sociopolitical level in their respective societies in the context of globalisation. The subject integrates theoretical and conceptual contributions from political science and international relations, sociology, anthropology and the study of social movements, with the ultimate goal of understanding the social and political processes that take place in the East Asian countries.
Tourism and Planning (6 ECTS) OT: addresses the key concepts related with tourism, rural space and local development, expansion of new kind of tourism, planning and management of tourist spaces, as well as the introduction of the gender perspective in their study. Specifically, it focuses on the following aspects: theory and methodology of the study of tourism; basic concepts in tourism planning; regional tourism and dynamics; urban tourism and planning; local tourism and development; and new modes of tourism.
Comparative Media Systems (6 ECTS) OT: addresses the study of national media systems in a context of an increasingly globalised economy and the proliferation of supranational political bodies. The subject looks at the study and assessment of the existing media systems typologies, using a comparative approach and with particular emphasis on the European and American continents. With this aim in mind, a review is undertaken of Hallin and Mancini’s theoretical model, as well as the criticism it has received and the replicas of the authors themselves, with the aim of reflecting on their suitability and applicability in different contexts.
Case Studies (9 ECTS) OB: from a fundamentally practical orientation, the subject develops the contents of the theoretical subjects through specific case studies. Case studies are intended to illustrate the cultural, social, communicational, political, economic, and environmental dynamics, which are developed on a global scale with East Asia as the main actor. The subject consists of the following formative parts: 1) Methodology of case studies; 2) Products, identities, and transnational discourses; 3) Geopolitics, economics, and environment; 3) Politics and society of East Asia.
Master's Degree Dissertation (15 ECTS) OB: the TFM (Trabajo Fin de Máster or Master's Degree Dissertation) is an individual piece of academic work carried out autonomously and in accordance with the principles of scientific research and supervised by tutors. The students must demonstrate that they have sufficient command of the appropriate theoretical and methodological knowledge to carry out their own, specialised analysis on a topic of their choosing, which is relevant to the contents of the master. The theme of the TFM can be both theoretical and methodological, with the application, in either case, of a research methodology that can be complemented by an institutional approach, if the thesis is developed in collaboration with an entity in the field of East Asia with which the UAB has an agreement. In all cases, the TFM must show that the students dominate the theoretical-conceptual contents and the methodological tools well enough to be able to carry out a rigorous investigation on the subject matter and demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake further research according to the criteria of scientific quality and academic rigour in subsequent projects.