Admission Official Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
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Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.Admission requirements
Admission requirements are as follows:Admission requirements for this Master's degree are as set out in Royal Decree 1393/2007,that is, an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or another higher education institution within the EHEA, preferably in the subject areas of chemistry, physics, geology, biology, biochemistry, environmental sciences, geography, economics or chemical, environmental, civil or agricultural engineering. Access is also open to graduates from outside the EHEA, who are not required to obtain official recognition of their degrees, subject to confirmation that these are academically equivalent to their Spanish counterparts and that they give access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue. Graduates in other subject areas may also join the programme if their academic transcript or professional activity is related to environmental issues.
Students must certify a command of English Language at a level equivalent to the First Certificate. To take the specialisations "Science and Global Change Management" and "Ecological Economics", they will need to prove they have an advanced level (C1). In the case of students with no language certificates, the coordinator will determine the means used to ascertain that their English level is high enough to take the master's degree.
Selection criteria
Places will be allocated to students in accordance with the specialisation they choose as their first option Should the number of applicants be higher than that of places on offer (20), these will be allocated according to the following criteria:- Academic transcript (40%)
- Multidisciplinary training related to Environmental Sciences (30%)
- Knowledge of English above the minimum for admission to the master's degree (10%)
- Professional experience related to the contents of the master's degree (10%)
- Recommendation letter: (10%)
Students who do not obtain a place on their first-option specialisation will be assigned to their second or third option in accordance with places available and the above criteria.