Teaching staff Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry

Coordinator and coordination team

Bachelor's degrees coordinators

Teaching staff

Teacher Area Category Research
Bianucci Ovando, Eliana Carolina Plant Physiology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Martos Arias, Soledad Plant Physiology Tenured university lecturers Research
Rosello Serra, Maria Teresa Plant Physiology Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Aguilera Ávila, José Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Emeritus lecturers (non-government) Research
Arus Caralto, Carles Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Barcia Gonzalez, Carlos Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Barnadas Rodriguez, Ramon Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Bassols Teixido, Anna Maria Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Blanco Vaca, Francisco Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Boix Borras, Ester Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Bosch Merino, Maria Assumpcio Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Bosch Tubert, Maria Fatima Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Canalias Reverter, Francesca Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Candiota Silveira, Ana Paula Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Cladera Cerdà, Josep Bartomeu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Claro Izaguirre, Enrique Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Cordomi Montoya, Arnau Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Farrés Vicén, Jaime Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Fernandez De Arriba, Alberto Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Fernandez Gallegos, Maria Rosario Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Ferrer Costa, Roser Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Garcia Rodriguez, Jesus Eduardo Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Affiliated lecturer
Garcia Pardo, Javier Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
González Seviné, Asier Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Hugo Pereira, Martin Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Jimenez Cenzano, Veronica Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Julia Sape, Maria Margarita Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Lizcano de Vega, Jose Miguel Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Lopez Martin, Mario Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Lopez Gomez, Jordi Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Predoctoral trainee researcher Research
Lorenzo Rivera, Julia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Marcos Silva, Marina Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Masgrau Juanola, Roser Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Miñano Molina, Alfredo Jesús Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Montpeyó García-Moreno, David Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Mora Brugues, Josefina Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Moussaoui Keribii, Mohammed Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Ortiz De Pablo, Jordi Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Page Galocha, María Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Predoctoral trainee researcher Research
Peralvarez Marin, Alejandro Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Perez Pons, Josep Antoni Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Plana Coll, Maria Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Ponte Marull, Inmaculada Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Prats Ejarque, Guillem Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Rodriguez Alvarez, Jose Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Roque Cordova, Alicia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Salazar Montoya, Vivian Angelica Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Sanchez de Groot, Natalia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) Research
Sarle Valles, Pau Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) Research
Saura Antolin, Carlos Alberto Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Seira Curto, Jofre Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) Research
Solé Piñol, Montserrat Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) Research
Tanco , Sebastián Martin Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Torrent Burgas, Marc Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Vallve Sanchez, Xavier Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Varejao Nogueira, Nathalia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Vendrell Tornero, Carles Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Ventura Zamora, Salvador Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Vilardell Vila, Jordi Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Gutierrez Arnaiz, Oscar Business Management Tenured university lecturers Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Jimenez Lopez, Maria Angeles Library and Information Science Tenured university lecturers Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Aguilera Pujabet, Mònica Physiology Research
Alvarez Perez, Ignacio Gerardo Immunology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Andreu Cortes, Sandra Cell Biology Research
Bernal Martinez, Aina Cell Biology Research
Cutando Ruiz, Laura Physiology Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) Research
Duran Puig, Asuncion Cell Biology Research
Espinosa Carrasco, Gabriel Cell Biology Research
Fernandez Duran, Irene Cell Biology Research
Fort Aznar, Laura Cell Biology Research
Giralt Carbonell, Merce Physiology Tenured university lecturers Research
Gonzalez Larreategui, Iñigo Immunology Affiliated lecturer for teacher training
Gonzalez Llagostera, Clara Cell Biology Research
Ibañez De Sans, Maria Elena Cell Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
López Estévez, Sergio Physiology Research
Massafret Surinyach, Ot Cell Biology Research
Nogues Sanmiquel, Maria del Carme Cell Biology University professor/full professor Research
Novo Bruña, Sergio Cell Biology Research
Pastor Ciurana, Jordi Physiology Research
Pons Gatell, Maria Carme Cell Biology Research
Pulido Artola, Núria Cell Biology Researcher in FI-SDUR training Research
Quintana Romero, Albert Physiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Repulles Fernandez, Joan Cell Biology Research
Ribas Cabezas, Laia Cell Biology Research
Roig Navarro, Ignasi Cell Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Santalo Pedro, Josep Cell Biology University professor/full professor Research
Sarrate Navas, Zaida Cell Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Sole Inarejos, Miguel Cell Biology Research
Sole Canal, Mireia Cell Biology Research
Vara Gonzalez, Covadonga Cell Biology Research
Vazquez Prat, Berta Nieves Cell Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Zurera Egea, Coral Cell Biology Predoctoral trainee researcher Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Abid Charef, Yanis Physical Chemistry UAB trainee-research staff Research
Branchadell Gallo, Vicenç Physical Chemistry University professor/full professor Research
Fenoll Silvestre, Dídac Armand Physical Chemistry Research
Gallego Gamo, Albert Organic Chemistry Researcher in FI-SDUR training Research
González Prats, Oriol Organic Chemistry UAB trainee-research staff Research
Granados Toda, Albert Organic Chemistry Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Mates Torres, Eric Physical Chemistry Researchers (Juan de la Cierva Programme) Research
Mendizabal Zalakain, Julen Pelix Organic Chemistry Research
Nolis Fañanas, Pau Organic Chemistry Research
Pleixats Rovira, Roser Organic Chemistry University professor/full professor Research
Pozzobon , Anna Organic Chemistry Research training staff (FPI Years 1-2) Research
Sarró Grane, Pau Organic Chemistry Research
Villabona Pedemonte, Marc Organic Chemistry Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Corchero Nieto, Jose Luis Microbiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Covaleda Cortés, Daniela Microbiology Research
Ferrer Miralles, Neus Microbiology Tenured university lecturers Research
González Sánchez, Alejandra Genetics Research
Martín Pérez, Juan Genetics Researcher in FI-SDUR training Research
Martinez Urtaza, Jaime Luis Genetics University professor/full professor contract Research
Mazzolini , Rocco Microbiology Research
Negre Bofarull, Barbara Genetics Research
Rubio Lorente, Laura Genetics Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Seras Franzoso, Joaquin Microbiology Research
Trave Asensio, Sergio Microbiology Affiliated lecturer for teacher training
Unzueta Elorza, Ugutz Microbiology Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Beltran Romay, Abel Geometry and Topology Research
Brustenga Moncusi, Laura Statistics and Operations Research Research
Cantero Guardeño, Juan Carlos Mathematical Analysis Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Crintea , Bogdan Vasile Mathematical Analysis Research
Reig Llunell, Pau Applied Mathematics Research
Riba Garcia, Ricard Geometry and Topology
Teacher Area Category Research
Giraldo Arjonilla, Jesus Preventive Medicine and Public Health University professor/full professor Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Menendez Dalmau, Enric Applied Physics Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Ortega Cejas, Vicente Condensed Matter Physics Research
Romero i Pallejà, Jordi Theoretical Physics University training staff (FPU Years 3-4) Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Fernandez Olalla, Xavier Generic Code_No Affiliation Research training staff (FPI Years 1-2) Research
Parra Damas, Arnaldo Javier Generic Code_No Affiliation Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) Research