Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Therapy

Basic skills

  • Show possession of a broad knowledge of health, human, social and technological sciences to be able to provide responses for the needs and expectations of people, families and groups.
  • Select, synthesise and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in specific Occupational Therapy matters in order to satisfy the occupational and health / welfare needs of individuals and populations.
  • Collect and interpret significant data on the occupation of people and communities in order to issue judgements that include reflections about matters of social, scientific or ethical relevance.
  • Transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions in reference to occupation both for a specialised and non-specialised audience.
  • Acquire the learning and improvement skills required for further studies of Occupational Science with a high level of autonomy.

Specific skills

  • Recognise the essential elements of the profession of occupational therapists, including the ethical principles, legal responsibilities professional practice focused on individuals or people, respecting their autonomy and professional secrecy.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of national and international health organisations, as well as the environments and conditioners of different health systems.
  • Obtain and use epidemiologic data and evaluate trends and risks to support decision making in health matters.
  • Be aware of, critically evaluate and be able to use sources of information to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific, health, social health and social information while preserving the confidentiality of the data.
  • Show an understanding and knowledge of the interrelation between the concepts of welfare, health, meaningful occupation, dignity and participation as well as the determinant factors of occupational dysfunction.
  • Make an occupational evaluation, produce plans and establish the intervention of Occupational Therapy, using the therapeutic potential of meaningful occupation through the use of activity, with the consent and participation of individuals and populations.
  • Collaborate with groups and communities to promote the health and welfare of their members by means of participation in meaningful occupation.
  • Establish interpersonal and assertive communication with all interlocutors that might be relevant during the Occupational Therapy process.

Transversal skills

  • Analyse and synthesise complex phenomena.
  • Search, assess, organise and maintain information systems.
  • Identify, analyse and adopt the most suitable options in response to the problems in the professional environment in an efficient and effective manner.
  • Express yourself with fluency, coherently and properly following established norms, both orally and in writing.
  • Collaborate and integrate with groups and work teams.
  • Identify, analyse and solve ethical problems in complex situations.
  • Be able to easily recognise and confront changes.
  • Respect the environment and foster sustainable development.