Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Microbiology


  • Identify the basic tools of mathematical calculation, statistics and computer science and their application to microbiology.
  • Define the fundamentals of chemistry and its relationship with the molecular bases of vital processes.
  • Identify the different levels of organization of living beings, both prokaryotic organisms and eukaryotes, their phenotypic diversity, their genetics and genomics, the molecular bases of the regulation of their vital functions and the mechanisms of adaptation to the environment.
  • Describe the fundamentals of analytical methods and techniques of most common use in microbiology.
  • Describe microbial diversity at taxonomic, metabolic and functional levels, its phylogeny, as well as its different applications in the industrial, biotechnological, environmental and health sectors.
  • Identify the relationships of microorganisms with other living beings and with the ecosystem and their role in the cycles of the elements.
  • Indicate the main microbial agents that cause diseases, the pathologies they cause, their interaction with hosts, diagnostic, prevention and control strategies, and their epidemiology.
  • Define the principles of safety and quality in microbiology, good laboratory practices, as well as the bioethical standards related to this field.
  • Identify the socio-economic, environmental, biomedical and cultural progress of society contributed by research, innovation and technological development in the field of microbiology and its future prospects.


  • Use the basic foundations of mathematics and chemistry for the study of biological processes.
  • Manage computer and bibliographic resources for information search, calculation and processing of microbiology-related data, both in English and in one's own language or others.
  • Analyse biological systems at all levels of their organization both in vivo and in vitro.
  • Apply appropriate methodologies to isolate, observe, cultivate, conserve, identify and characterize microorganisms or their components.
  • Relate the structure, physiology and metabolism of replicative microorganisms and entities with the molecular bases that govern and regulate their vital functions.
  • Employ appropriate methods to sample, characterize and manipulate populations and microbial communities in natural and artificial ecosystems, establishing relationships between them, with other organisms and with the environment.
  • Apply microorganisms or their components to the development of products of industrial, biotechnological, environmental and biomedical interest and to the genetic modification of other living beings.
  • Characterize the microbial agents causing diseases, the cellular and molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis and their relationship with the response to infection.
  • Interpret bioethics, biosafety and quality standards in the field of biosciences and, in particular, microbiology.


  • Propose methods and processes in the field of microbiology assessing its social, biomedical, environmental and economic impact, to provide innovative responses to the needs and demands of society.
  • Propose actions in the field of microbiology with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and social and democratic values, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Evaluate sex/gender inequalities that have a place in the field of biosciences and, in particular, in microbiology.
  • Design experiments within the field of microbiology, as well as production processes involving microorganisms, with scientific rigor and following criteria of microbiological quality and/or safety.
  • Plan strategies for the diagnosis and control of infectious diseases from a microbiological perspective and taking into account pathogen biology, clinical data and epidemiological studies.
  • Propose tools based on microorganisms aimed at solving environmental problems.
  • Integrate knowledge and skills to develop and defend academic or professional work in the field of microbiology, either in English or in one's own language or others and working individually or in groups.