Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations


  • Recognise the specificity of persuasive communication theories in the context of media communication, as well as the impact of social, economic, and cultural contexts on the field of Advertising and Public Relations.
  • Identify the impact and challenges of persuasive communication in contemporary society and culture.
  • Explain the creative theories, processes, and techniques applicable to persuasive communication.
  • Identify the expressive and narrative, textual, graphic, and audiovisual resources involved in the development of effective persuasive messages.
  • Recognise the structure and function of the technological context during the process of persuasive communication.
  • Describe the processes and strategies involved in the design and planning of persuasive communication campaigns.
  • Recognise the techniques and tools suitable for establishing communication strategies that guarantee dialogue between brands and consumers.
  • Identify the models and theoretical foundations of business management applicable to the field of advertising and public relations.


  • Apply knowledge of the theoretical foundations, structure, and history of Social Communication to the study and analysis of persuasive communication.
  • Make use of the main knowledge about sociology, economics and psychology in the planning and design of persuasive communication campaigns.
  • Apply processes, creative techniques, and expressive and narrative resources to the creation of effective persuasive messages.
  • Use appropriate technology and software for the development of effective persuasive messages.
  • Planning effective communication campaigns in the field of advertising and public relations using appropriate strategies.
  • Apply business management theories to the administration and management of advertising and public relations companies and other organisations.
  • Apply appropriate methods and instruments of analysis for research in persuasive communication, both in the professional and academic spheres.
  • Express yourself correctly, fluently, and effectively in both official languages, both orally and in writing, avoiding any sexist or discriminatory language.


  • Transfer knowledge and skills about the design and planning of persuasive communication campaigns to the professional environment.
  • Act in the professional field of advertising and public relations based on a critical consideration of the social, economic, technological, and environmental impact of your activity.
  • Operate in the professional field of advertising and public relations based on ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity, democratic values, all in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • To assess sex/gender inequalities in the field of advertising and public relations to avoid reproducing them in professional practice.
  • Work autonomously and collaboratively on the development of proposals and projects in the professional field of advertising and public relations.
  • Prioritise values related to teamwork and social interaction in the development of advertising and public relations projects.
  • Act based on taking the initiative, being proactive and the ability to adapt to new challenges in the field of advertising and public relations.
  • Contribute creative and innovative proposals to tackle social needs and demands through Advertising and Public Relations.