Admission Bachelor's Degree in Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning

Course access

Students wishing to take this course have different access routes, depending on their previous studies:

Type of access Preference of access Admission mark 23/24
Secondary school diploma + University entrance exam (PAU) and CFGS (Advanced professional training) Weighted subjects pertaining to the PAU specific phase (*):
  • Biology (0.1)
  • Geology and Environmental Sciences (0.1)
  • Artistic Drawing (0.1)
  • Company Dynamics and Business Models (0.1)
  • Art Fundamentals (0.1)
  • Geography (0.2)
  • Greek Language and Culture (0.2)
  • History of Art (0.1)
  • History of Music and Dance (0.1)
  • Latin Language and Culture (0.2)
  • Mathematics (0.2)
  • Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences (0.2)
University access for people over 25 Social Sciences and Law option 5.000
Others Entrance exams for people over 45 ---
Degree holders ---
Change of studies and validations  
Employment record for people over 40  

(*) Pending.

Pre-enrolment code


Student Profile

If you are interested in enrolling in this degree you must be someone who is committed to the environment and the protection and survival of natural surroundings, and concerned about the social inequalities expressed in regional differences. You must also be an empathic person, sensitive to societies and environmental systems which differ to those familiar to you.

A person studying this bachelor's degree will want to work towards a positive maintenance of the environmental quality of a region and collaborate in a suitable planning of cities, new spaces and public transport infrastructures; as well as have an interest in the territorial equality of a specific population by fostering local development, the improvement of public services and the social and territorial responsibility of businesses.

We recommend that future students have a background in social science subjects such as Geography, Business Economics and Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences.

Access related information

Check all the information related to university access routes here: secondary school students, CFGS students, over 25 years old and over 45 years old.

You will also find information on other access routes (accredited work experience, changing from a foreign university) and other access routes for pre-university international students (international students: secondary school in the EU, international students: secondary school outside the EU) and for university students and graduates (reincorporations, EU university students, non EU university students and university graduates).