The "Jornada del dia de la Dona 8 de març: Mirades des de la recerca" was held

Imatge de la Jornada

Yesterday took place the "Jornada del dia de la Dona 8 de març: Mirades des de la recerca". In this news we collect the event in detail.


The Women's Day Conference on March 8 focused on research from a gender perspective, with the aim of raising awareness of current issues and promoting research in this area. The day included outstanding papers and communications by female researchers and students, who addressed topics such as artificial intelligence, technological challenges and gender gaps in the workplace, as well as critical research in rights and gender.


As speakers participated:

Dr. Yolanda Garcia Calvente who spoke on the relationship between artificial intelligence, gender and tax law, highlighting how technology can influence tax equity. She stressed that while AI can optimize tax systems for greater efficiency, it is also crucial to ensure that these technologies do not perpetuate or exacerbate existing gender inequalities.

Dr. Jorge Torrent Margalef who discussed technological challenges, occupation and gender gaps, emphasizing the importance of addressing inequalities in the world of work. He stressed the importance of proactive policies that promote digital skills training for women and the need to remove structural barriers that prevent equal access to job opportunities in technologically advanced fields.

Dr. Isabel Carrillo Flores presented critical research in a rights and gender approach. She talked about how research can reveal and address systemic inequities. Also how a gender perspective in research can help dismantle stereotypes and promote a more just and equitable society.


As communicators, doctoral and undergraduate students presented their work, offering a fresh and current vision on gender research, which demonstrates the commitment and interest in research in this area. Thus, the following participated:

Sandra Domene Pérez who explored the extrafiscalitat with a gender perspective in professional sport.

Laura Casas Diaz presented a study on the crime of witchcraft in the Pyrenees (XV-XVII century), offering a legal view on the persecution of witches.

Joana Coll Borraz who analyzed the penal treatment of the crime of sexual aggression in the conjugal and couple environment.

Maria Àngels Capdevila Subirana who focused on the taxation of the proximity product of sheep farming, examining how fiscal policies can favor gender equity.

Lara Armengol Mora who discussed domestic workers and labor conflict, highlighting the challenges and inequalities faced by domestic workers.

Valeria Jessica Calderón Bogoslavsky (online presentation) who discussed the legal aspects of violence related to sexual and reproductive health.