On Monday, April 15th, Alfredo Cohen, founder and director of ElParlante will visit us

Alfredo Cohen

On Monday, April 15, Alfredo Cohen, founder and director of ElParlante, will visit us. This multi-awarded cultural entity has been promoting educommunication projects for active citizens in Catalonia for 15 years.


Alfredo Cohen will share with the students of Communication, Development and Social Change, of the Master in Media, Communication and Culture, the learning and knowledge offered by his two decades of professional experience in the field of social action and educommunication. Master in Creative Documentary from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and in Social Innovation from ESADE, he received his PhD in Communication from Pompeu Fabra University. Cohen is the creator of numerous educommunication or educational communication projects and in 2009 he founded the cultural entity ElParlante, which continues to lead and lead. Since 2019 he has also been director of the Gran pantalla Film Festival.

From ElParlante, Cohen and his team of professionals design, implement and evaluate strategies that link communication and education to promote active citizenship in Barcelona and other Catalan cities. His work is inspired by the theoretical and methodological work born in Latin America from the 1970s, which links participation, communication and popular education with social transformation. They therefore start from the idea that education and communication are two sides of the same coin and that every communication process is an educational process and vice versa. Thus, they use media criticism, community audiovisual production and participatory cultural management to co-create spaces of social transformation. Cohen is also a visiting professor at UPF in Barcelona and the University of North, in Colombia.

This activity will be developed within the framework of the subject of Communication, Development and Social Change, although it is open to the assistance of any student or teacher of the Faculty interested in participating in it. It will take place at 16:00 in classroom 5 of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the UAB.