Affectations Transport Service - STRIKE March 8th

General communication



March 08th, a strike is convened.

At below it shows affections to the regular UAB transport service:


The UAB bus service works normally with the exception of the L3, which reduces the frequency of 15' to 30'. 

Interurban bus lines that serve the Campus work normally. However, there are delays given to traffic incidents. 

FGC line Barcelona-Vallès: trains carry out regular stops but with 50% minimum services at peak hours and 25% at down time #ServeiFGC.
You can check the strike day schedules

Renfe Rodalies Barcelona: trains run regular stops but with minimum service of 33% throughout the day. 
You can check the schedules on the Rodalies web searcher
Apps and information telephone number: 900 41 00 41. 


Rush hours: From 6.30h to 9.30 and from 17h. to 20h. 

Thanks for your collaboration.