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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Business

Serra Hunter Programme

05 Sep 2024
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Tenure-eligible lecturer

Job Offer picture

Inside the Serra Hunter Programme the department offers 3 positions of Tenure-eligible lecturer  for starting in September 2025. Those positions are addressed to PhDs that want to start their academic career with us. This is a full-time position with teaching duties (around 30% of the annual labour hours: 477 hours/year which includes face-to-face classes, preparation of materials for classes, supervision of Final Degree Projects, students’ tutorship, monitoring and evaluation) and the rest of time (70%) mainly dedicated to research. The Departament is going to support the candidates to develop a research career and we expect that this will be certified by ANECAAQU as an Associate Professor. 

Each position has a different specialization area. For each one, we provide an indicative (at least some of them) list of subjects for undergraduate students that we expect the candidate to be willing and able to teach.

Position: Business Management. List of indicative subjects: Introductory and intermediate courses of Business Economics; Strategy, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship or Production Management.

Position: Marketing and Market Research. List of indicative subjects: Introductory and intermediate courses of Marketing, Consumer Behavior or Marketing Research.

Position: Financial Economics and Accounting. List of indicative subjects: Introductory and intermediate courses of Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Finance or Corporate Finance.

You can see the compensation policy of the UAB here (Professor Lector). 

In the following link you can find all the information and the application form to the: Convocatòria núm. 2024/D/LEM/CL/17 - Professorat lector Programa Serra Húnter.. If you need further information please contact with us: d.empresa@uab.cat

