
Philology databases

Base de dades Ramon Llull
Created by Anthony Bonner and developed by the Department of Catalan Philology and the Library of the University of Barcelona. It is an electronic bibliographic instrument designed to organize, systematize and facilitate the exhaustive consultation of all the information related to the lulian or pseudolulian opus.

Bibliografía de la literatura española desde 1980
It includes editions, translations and studies, published since 1980, of the literary works of Spanish authors from the Middle Ages to the present, and of the Hispanic Americans and Filipinos prior to the independence of their respective countries. It contains some 80,000 bibliographical references corresponding to monographs, journal articles, and collaborations in congress events and tributes that are cumulatively updated.

Biblioteca virtual de la filología española
Directed by Manuel Alvar Ezquerra (Complutense University), this library contains digitized books divided into three sections: dictionaries, grammars and orthographies. At the moment the project with the dictionaries has been started, and later the content will be expanded. Includes general and specific dictionaries, alphabetical and thematic, monolingual and bilingual.

Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes
Project of digital edition of the bibliographic, documentary and critical patrimony Spanish and Hispano-American that includes original texts and critical studies on Literature, history and Spanish and Latin American culture. It includes digitalized reproduction of classic and modern texts in mainly Castilian language but without excluding other minority languages, video library, sound library and interviews with different authors. It also provides links to web pages related to the Hispanic world, as well as libraries, bookstores, publishing novelties and virtual reference works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, maps, etc. The Library provides spaces for virtual discussion groups and comments on the works incorporated into the portal.

Reference web portal with scientific and informative documents on the Spanish language. Bibliographic database with full-text articles and references to books and journals.

Linguistics and language behavior abstracts
Database that indexes and summarizes articles on the study of language from more than 1500 periodicals.

Compilation of existing web pages and electronic documents prepared from the Humanities studies of the Open University of Catalonia and other public and private institutions on Catalan literature.

Traces: llengua i literatura catalanes
It collects all the literature that is published on topics of Catalan language and literature, or linguistics and literary criticism that are related. It was created in 1987 by the Bibliographic Information Service of Catalan Language and Literature of the Catalan Philology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Manuscrits catalans de l'Edat Moderna
It includes materials from different fields of the history of Catalan culture: science, law, education, spirituality, philosophy, historiography, literature, preaching, theology, etc. The result is a broad panorama of written production in the Catalan Countries.

MLA international bibliography with full text
Database produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA) where you can find indexed academic publications (journals, books, dissertations, web pages, etc.) of international scope since the late nineteenth century, early twentieth century, on literature, language and linguistics, literary theory and criticism, rhetoric, composition, folklore, dramatic arts (cinema, radio, television, theatre), as well as historical aspects of publishing and printing. It provides the bibliographic information of the publications as well as the access to the complete text to more than 1000 representative journals of the treated topics. The database also includes the tools "MLA Directory of Periodicals" and "MLA Thesaurus" to be able to consult the titles of journals and the subjects and personal names used to index the bibliography.

Parnaseo: ciber-paseo por la literatura
Bibliographic database on Spanish theater, critical and theatrical theory, actors, etc.

Portal de léxico hispánico
Created and developed by the Group of Lexicography and Diachrony of the Seminar of Philology and Computer Science of the Spanish Philology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona with the collaboration of the Royal Spanish Academy. It includes three databases: the Lexicon Bank, the Bibliography Bank and the Documentation Bank.

Proyecto Boscán
It contains the Spanish translations of Italian literature from 1400 to 1939.

Biblioteca Virtual Tirant
Database that includes legal issues, social sciences, humanities, literature, computers, sciences and medicine.

Portal of French electronic journals specialized in social sciences and humanities resulting from the collaboration of 4 major publishers: Belin, Deboeck, La découverte and Erès, with the aim of increasing the Internet presence of journals in this field by proposing the creation of electronic versions of its publications.

Cambridge Companions Online
Online version of the printed series of guides on literature, music, philosophy and religion. Lets you search by author, title or subject.

Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Core is the online academic content platform for the Cambridge University Press.

Centralized access platform for research documents in the field of social sciences and humanities in the French-speaking area.

OpenGrey: system for information on grey literature in Europe
Contains bibliographic citations of grey literature generated in Europe. It collects documents on science, technology, biomedicine, economics, social sciences and humanities. It includes technical or research reports, doctoral theses, conference proceedings, official publications and other grey literature.

Oxford Journals Online
Access to more than 450 journals in the humanities, social sciences, law, science and medicine.

Oxford Scolarship Online
Access to more than 17,000 outstanding academic books from the Oxford University Press in the field of humanities and social sciences.

Peeters Online
Online access to the production of the Peeters publishing house, focused on the field of humanities and social sciences.

Periodicals Archive Online (before PCI Full Text)
Access to academic journals on art, humanities and social sciences.

Project Gutenberg
Portal on electronic documents created in 1971 by Professor Michael Hart, which includes works of literature and reference works have been prescribed copyright. It collects more than 39,000 free access electronic books, mainly in English, but also in other languages ​​(Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, French and others). The books are accessible by computer, but they can also be read in other electronic formats through PDAs, e-book readers, mobile phones, and audiobook formats.

Project Muse
Electronic journals from more than 70 North American university publishers coordinated by Johns Hopkins University.

ProQuest Central
We highlight the databases: Arts & Humanities Database, Education database, Linguistics database, Psychology database, Religion database ...

Taylor & Francis Online
We highlight the navigable subjects: Arts, Behavioral Sciences, Education, Geography, Humanities, Language & Literature, Urban Studies ...

Torrosa Casalini Full Text
Access to the scientific production of Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese publishers in the field of humanities and social sciences.