Open research thermometer

Open research thermometer

The UAB open research thermometer for the 2021-2023 triennium has been published.


Do you want to know how many documents and data sets have been published in open access, how many articles have been funded or what has been the evolution of open access by fields of knowledge? Look up the new Open Research Thermometer on the Open Science website.

The thermometer shows, graphically, the evolution of open access at the UAB for the period 2021-2023 and has been prepared from the research documents (books, book chapters and articles) registered in EGRETA and available in the DDD.  

You can see how the number of open access documents goes from 26.61% in 2021 to 48.29% in 2023. This growth of open access is shown globally but also by fields of knowledge. The thermometer also incorporates information on the evolution of both the research data deposited in CORA.RDR and the funding, with data on the number of APCs granted distributed by year and publisher.

Reference your research in EGRETA and attach the version accepted by the editor. The UAB library staff will take care of reviewing and enriching the metadata before publishing it. Let's all move together towards a more open science!

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions