New UAB MOOC: Digital skills for the academic world of work

Imatge nou MOOC

The UAB Library Service together with the IT Service have organized the MOOC "Digital skills for the academic and work world", with the aim of achieving the mission in digital skills established by the European Commission.


The training offer of courses at the UAB expands the catalog with the publication of the MOOC "Digital skills for the academic and working world", a course that aims to achieve the mission in digital skills established by the European Commission in the European Skills Framework. digital skills for citizenship, in which five areas of competence are differentiated. The UAB Library Service has participated in the organization of the course and tutors it jointly with the IT Service.

The training is structured in four weeks, but each person can do it at their own pace, and its main objective is to provide the knowledge and skills necessary in the academic and work world in terms of the first three areas of competencies established by the European Commission (information and data processing, communication and collaboration and creation of digital content). In the future, it is planned to expand the training with the rest of the skills.

This course and the corresponding content are open to the public, but obtaining the certificate that certifies having completed it involves an additional cost. However, anyone in the UAB community can obtain the certificate for free.

To access, it is necessary to identify yourself on the UAB Coursera platform or register the first time using the University email account. Once you have completed the course, you will find the corresponding certificate within your profile, in the Achievements option.

In addition, people who work or study at the UAB also have access to the more than 3.000 courses taught by the universities that are members of the Coursera Partner Consortium, and can obtain the certificate for free. When identifying yourself, if the course you have chosen is not taught at the UAB, you have to select the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona option in Coursera. You will be able to see the course information and whether registration is free, sponsored by the UAB or included in the institution's learning program.

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Quality education
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Partnerships for the goals