New sessions of role-playing games at the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives

Dibuix de la biblioteca de comunicació amb dau de rol, dracs i llegenda

Seventh edition of sessions of tabletop role-playing games, organized by the UAB Role Playing Club and the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives and open to the entire university community.


The wizards of Hogwarts and the Cosmere arrive on campus... and they do so accompanied by a herd of goats with desire to party!

Indeed, we are talking about the new sessions of tabletop role-playing games offered to you by the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives and the UAB Role Playing Club in May.

In this seventh edition, the role-playing universe is expanded with game systems that have appeared in recent years and that place great emphasis on narrative and improvisation. Two of them are inspired by literary phenomena. Hogwarts PbtA takes us to the famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry created by J.K. Rowling in the Harry Potter novels. Mistborn transports us on a journey into the epic stories of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. Dungeon World brings back the classic fantasy of Dungeons & Dragons but with simple game mechanics and lots of action! Finally, Goat crashers lets you become goats that want to sneak into a party (yes, you read that right).

In addition, one of the sessions will be in the morning, at 10.00 a.m., thinking about the people who have classes in the afternoon.

The sessions will take place on May 8, 9 and 10 in the Training Room of the floor -1 of the library.

Each session is a short adventure (oneshot), designed to last between 3 and 4 hours. It will be led by a member of the UAB Role Playing Club. The characters are already pre-designed.

The level of the games is introductory: everyone is welcome, whether they have RPG experience or not. No need to bring any material!

Places are limited and registration is required! Check the scheduled sessions and sign up for the one that interests you the most.

Do you have any doubts? Write to us at

Scheduled sessions and registration [in Catalan]

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  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Partnerships for the goals