Looking for the 1,000th follower

Imatge Exposició #CiènciaCiutadana

The Twitter of  Science and Technology Library has grown up and we want 
to celebrate offering a gift to the follower 1,000


The Science and Technology Library has launched a campaign to increase its followers on Twitter. And to celebrate taht you reach the number 1,000, the user who wil this figure will win a wireless headset. To join is as simple as registering at @Bctuab account through the "follow" button.

There are only two conditions to get the gift:

a) the user mustn't be an institution but a person (if the 1000 were an institution, the headphones will be delivered to the next personal follower.
b) the user remains a follower to the library twitter after the gift delivery. It's not allowed to unsuscribe a few days later!

The name of the winner will be announced through the library social networks.

We encourage you to follow us!