Language Uses and Rights

UAB Languages level tests

FAQ's about level tests

Do I need to do a level test?

If you already have some knowledge of the language you want to study with us, you’ll need to do a level test so that we can advise you on the best course to take and on your learning in general.
You don't need to do a level test if

  • you want to begin a new language from zero
  • you have already studied with us at the level just below the one you want to take now less than two years ago.
  • you have a recognised certificate that is less than two years old
When are the level tests done?

Level tests are organised some weeks before the courses start. You can do the test online or onsite.

Onsite level tests

There is no need to sign up or book a time to take the on-site test. You only need to go to the Language Service in one of the established time-slots. The test is free of charge and does not commit you to enrolling on any course.

Onsite level tests:

Online level tests

Please book a time slot to do a level test online via Teams.

What does the level test consist of?

The level test may consist of a multiple-choice exercise, a writing exercise and a short interview.

How will I be told of the result of the test?

At the end of the test, the teacher will tell you which course would be best for you and you can then enrol at the UAB Idiomes Campus offices.

Level tests are not exams, so UAB Idiomes does not issue any certificates after them.

How can I sign up for a course?

Once you know the result of your level, you should go to our Administration office to register for the course.