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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA‑UAB)

The book "Making Urban Nature Bloom" has been published

23 Mar 2021
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“Making Urban Nature Bloom” was coordinated by ICLEI Europe and is based on the case studies of the H2020 NATURVATION project (NATure-based URban innoVATION), of which the ICTA-UAB is one of the partners.

¿Making Urban Nature Bloom¿ ICTA-UAB

The book is based on the case studies referring to the analysis and promotion of nature-based solutions in the cities of Barcelona, Malmö (Sweden), Utrecth (Netherlands), Leipzig (Germany), Győr (Hungary) and Newcastle (United Kingdom). The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) and ENT Environment and Management are the local partners of Barcelona.

This book reviews the main insights derived from approximately a hundred of meetings and participatory workshops with local and regional stakeholders from the six cities over the four years of the project. This publication also aims to inspire the implementation of nature-based solutions in urban areas worldwide.

Link to the book
