ICTA-UAB granted an MSCA-Postdoctoral Fellowship project
The UAB was granted two MSCA-Postdoctoral Fellowships under the MSCA-PF-2023 call of the European Commission's Horizon Europe programme. The fellowships will go to researchers at the Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies and at the Laboratory for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems in a Globalised world (LASEG) of the UAB's Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB).

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona was awarded two MSCA-Postdoctoral Fellowships in the 2023 call under the European Commission's Horizon Europe programme. These projects are awarded to experimental researchers so that they can develop their research project and improve their training.
The fellowships will go to the following two projects:
VIA-TARIQ (Analysing the long-term change and persistency of the Roman road system in the Levant). The main researcher is Dr Pau de Soto from the Classical Archaeology Research Group of the Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies, and the fellowship has been granted to Dr Adam Pažout.
VIA-TARIQ is an interdisciplinary project that aims to explore a key issue among Near Eastern archaeologists and historians: what is the level of persistence of the Roman road system and what influences it had on social and economic development in the medieval and modern periods. The project will be carried out over two years.
PROPS (Promoting Resilience to Plant disease: Understanding vulnerability and adaptation to Xylella fastidiosa). The main researcher is Dr Esteve Corbera, from the Laboratory for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems in a Globalised world (LASEG) of the UAB's Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, and the fellowship has been granted to Dr Nathan Clay.
PROPS aims to develop an innovative approach to understanding the political ecology of plant diseases, based on the model of Xylella fastidiosa, an invasive bacterium considered to be the greatest threat to plant health in the European Union. Unlike current research, which focuses on ecology, epidemiology and economic losses, this project also aims to address social issues in order to develop equitable solutions to manage plant diseases. The project will last two years.
In this call, the European Commission has awarded a total of 260 million euros to 1,249 postdoctoral researchers to work in leading universities, research centres, organisations and companies. The European Research Executive Agency (REA) received 8,039 applications, 15.8% of which were selected for funding.
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