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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB)

Thesis defense of Riccardo Mastini

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Detalles del evento

Riccardo Mastini will defend his PhD thesis on "A Green New Deal without growth? Theoretical reflections and empirical studies".

Date: Friday, October 7th 2022
Time: 10h
Venue: Sala Antoni Rosell (Room Z/022- Z/023)


Riccardo Mastini

"A Green New Deal without growth? Theoretical reflections and empirical studies"

Directors: Dr. Giorgos Kallis, Dr. Christos Zografos and Dr. Jason Hickel

Tutor: Dr. Giorgos Kallis


PhD Thesis Defense Riccardo Mastini
