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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA‑UAB)

Seminar: "Just transitions in the polycrisis: Latin American alternatives to green colonialism" by Sabrina Fernandes

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Event details

Sabrina Fernandes, Head of Research at the Alameda Institute, will visit ICTA-UAB to give a seminar.


Title: "Just transitions in the polycrisis: Latin American alternatives to green colonialism”

Speaker: Sabrina Fernandes,ead of Research at the Alameda Institute

Date: Monday, May 13th 2024
Venue: Sala Montseny Z/022 & Z/023. ICTA-UAB


The seminar will talk about Latin America and ecosocialism, including pathways for debunking claims that "degrowth is not popular in the Global South” 

Sabrina Fernandes is a Brazilian sociologist and political economist, and the Head of Research at the Alameda Institute. She holds a PhD from Carleton University and was formerly a postdoctoral fellow with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and with the Center for Advanced Latin American Studies. She is an ecosocialist activist, a member of the Ecosocial Pact of the South and her research is focused on transition, Latin America and internationalism.