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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA‑UAB)

MdM Keynote Speaker Series 2023: "What caused the most extreme environmental change since 65 million years ago?", by Dr. Daniel García-Castellanos

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Event details

Dr. Daniel García-Castellanos, from Geociencias Barcelona (Geo3Bcn), will be giving a keynote on “What caused the most extreme environmental change since 65 million years ago? A mechanistic approach to the Messinian Salinity Crisis”. Our invited speaker will be available for informal meetings with ICTA-UAB researchers afterwards.  


MdM Keynote Speaker Series 2023

Title: “What caused the most extreme environmental change since 65 million years ago? A mechanistic approach to the Messinian Salinity Crisis 

Speaker: Dr. Daniel García-Castellanos, Geociencias Barcelona (Geo3Bcn) - CSIC 

Date: Thursday, 26th of January 2023  
Time: from 12:00 to 13:00
Venue: Sala Antoni Rosell (
Z/023 - Z/022) - 
Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84295490731?pwd=bkNuQjY4UWQ5TkZvVlltWmpMR0ROdz09 ID de
reunión: 842 9549 0731 -Código de acceso: 294183 



Dr Daniel Garcia-Castellanos is a CSIC researcher with expertise in the fields of geodynamics, surface processes, and Solid Earth geoscience. He works at the Department of Structure and Dynamics of the Earth and Crystallography (Geo3Bcn), where he develops physical-mathematical models coupling the physics of plate tectonics and processes occurring at the surface of the Earth. 


Some of his studies support the idea that the Mediterranean Sea underwent a desiccation period known as “Messinian Salinity Crisis” - after being isolated from the world’s ocean due to the collision between the tecnonic plates of Africa and Eurasia - followed by a catastrophic reflooding through the strait of Gibraltar 5 million year ago. The keynote will encompass recent research on the Messinian Salinity Crisis and discuss implications of this episode.