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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB)

Course: "Decolonial and Feminist Environmental Sciences"

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Detalles del evento

ICTA-UAB is organising a new course on Decolonial and Feminist Environmental Sciences will start soon.
The course will be held at ICTA-UAB, but it’s also possible to join the sessions using zoom:


Course: "Decolonial and Feminist Environmental Sciences"

From May to June.
Registration here:


Introduction to the course 

Trainers: Isabelle Anguelovski & Soledad Castro

Date: Tuesday, May 16th, 2023. Time: 10:00 h – 11:00 h. Venue: ICTA-UAB room Z/033 + zoom 

Topics: The politics of knowledge valuation and production and the role of decolonial practices; How academia undermines equity and care yet forces us to rethink and fight for those goals and values; Examples from what practices we aim to promote at ICTA-UAB  


Module 1 - Decolonising Conservation Research: Data Justice 

Trainers: Daniel Brockington 

Date: Wednesday, May 24th, 2023. Time: 10:00 h - 12.30 h. Venue: ICTA-UAB room Z/023 + zoom  


Module 2 - Decolonising Conservation Research: Producing Conservation Research (Guest lecture) 

Trainers: Daniel Brockington, Wilhelm Kiwango and Mathew Mabele (CONVIVA project) 

Date: Wednesday, May 31st, 2023. Time: 10:00 h - 12.30 h. Venue: ICTA-UAB room Z/033 + zoom   


Module 3 - Colonial dimensions of ecological breakdown 

Trainers: Jason Hickel 

Date: Wednesday, June 7th, 2023. Time: 14:00 h - 16.30 h. Venue: ICTA-UAB room Z/023 + zoom  

Module 4 - Decolonial perspectives and climate mitigation (Guest lecture, tdb) 

Trainers: Jason Hickel 

Date: Wednesday, June 14th, 2023. Time: 14:00 h - 16.30 h. Venue: ICTA-UAB room Z/023 + zoom  


Module 5 - Key feminist concepts in critical socio-environmental research 

Trainers: Panagiota Kotsila 

Date: Wednesday, June 21st, 2023. Time: 10:00 h - 12.30 h. Venue: ICTA-UAB room Z/023 + zoom  

Topics: Gender and environmental research; Intersectionality: subjectivity and performativity; Reflexivity; Situated Knowledges: Gaps and Silences in what we research; Ethics and the way we do research. 


Module 6 - Feminist Methodologies: examples & case studies 

Trainers: Panagiota Kotsila, Manuela Zechner (info here) 

Date: Monday, June 26th, 2023. Time: 10:00 h - 12.30 h. Venue: ICTA-UAB room Z/023 + zoom  

Topics: Examples of feminist methodologies in socio-environmental research; The future Archive Method; How is research conducted, who is involved, who benefits from research results.