• UABDivulga

Mobile genes are DNA sequences able to move and insert into the genome. They constitute more than 50% of the human genome and 28% of that of Drosophila (Fruit fly). They are an important source of mutations because they promote chromosomal arrangements and insert into genes and regulatory regions. This work is based in one of these transposable...

Ricard Guerrero

Guerrero has taken part in various scientific projects and is known in Spain as the first person to introduce the theory of microbial ecology. "Without microbes, life on our planet would be impossible", says Guerrero. "From the moment we are born we need bacteria to live".

In our chromosomes there are small disorders that generally do not affect us but that can be decisive for reproduction. This is the case for the so-called chromosomal inversions (a change in direction of a chromosomal fragment within the original chromosome). UAB researchers have studied these alterations and concluded that the larger a...

Anomalia cromosòmica

Why are hybrids not symmetrical?

Most animal species have two symmetrical halves. There are small differences that break this bilateral symmetry. Scientists at the UAB have studied how these differences come about and how organisms try to achieve perfect symmetry by crossing two species of insects, Drosophila madeirensis and...

Dibuix asimètric

The doctoral thesis of Aïda Pujol has studied a variant of preimplantational genetic diagnosis during in vitro fertilization and embryonic development. She analysed the numerical irregularity of the chromosomes in the oocytes using the fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) technique. This allowed her to identify the different mechanisms...

Novetats en el diagnòstic genètic preimplantacional

In his research, Jordi Camps Polo obtains interesting results on the chromosomal instability of tumor cells. His research, that focuses in the human colon cancer, has used molecular cytogenetics techniques for his analysis. This novel approach has revealed chromosomal alterations during the cellular division that were invisible up to now.

Noves pistes sobre la progressió dels tumors