Rector receives team from the UAB of the Mathematical League

L'equip de la UAB de la Lliga Matemàtica al costat del Rector.

During the meeting, the Rector was interested in this competition where students from the Faculty of Science participate.


UAB Rector Javier Lafuente, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, received on Friday 6 a representation of the students who will be part of the UAB team in the Mathematical League.

During the meeting, Rector showed his interest in the Mathematical League, gave many encouragement to our team and expressed the usefulness of Mathematics in their scientific activity.

The Mathematical League is a state competition, promoted by the Association of Mathematics Students. Matches will be held throughout this course and in the case of the UAB, the team will have the participation of graduate students in Mathematics and Computer Mathematics and Data Analytics.

On Wednesday 11, the UB, UPC and UAB teams are scheduled to meet at our Faculty to make a first contact and to present the representatives of each of the three universities.