Safety and prevention protocol against Covid-19

Protocol mesures i seguretat

Protection measures have been provided to ensure the safety of the students and reduce the spread of coronavirus.  


Due to the the Covid-19 pandemic, UAB Idiomas Barcelona has provided a safety and prevention protocol for all our students. 
Among the general measures, students should keep in mind that they can’t attend face-to-face classes if they have a fever or symptoms compatible with Covid-19, and will need to contact their doctor or Primary Care Center (CAP). 

If  you  experience  symptoms  that  are  compatible  with  COVID-19,  notify  your  teacher.  Return  home  and  contact 061.

The use of an approved facemask for the prevention of Covid-19 infection is mandatory throughout the building for all students and teachers. Once in the classroom, go straight to one of the available seats. We recommend using the same seat throughout the course.

Students should avoid close contact with other people, and keep a safe distance. The preferred direction during circulation around the building is always on your right.

The use of common equipment as elevators, seats or benches in the corridors has been restricted. We recommend not using printers if it is not really necessary, and always taking extreme hygienic measures, such as hand washing before and after use. Water fountains are only allowed to fill glasses and bottles for individual use.

Do not leave any toiletries (handkerchiefs, masks, gloves) in the classroom and dispose of waste and protective equipment using the specific bins for this type of waste.

All these measures are specified on the information signs distributed in classrooms and corridors. For more information, you can consult the information sign with the main prevention measures.

It should be borne in mind that these measures may change depending on the evolution of the health situation.