On site teaching adapted to online courses

UAB Idiomes Barcelona consolida la reconversió dels cursos presencials

The third term of English senior courses will begin on April 14 in the online modality at the regular time and with the same teacher until the face-to-face modality can be resumed.


During these last three weeks, UAB Idiomes Barcelona has adapted face-to-face courses, with more than 600 students, to online teaching through "Zoom", a virtual platform which has allowed teachers to continue their classes in a very similar way to face-to-face teaching using videoconferences with great results.

Being conscious of the new situation created by Covid-19, we decided to postpone the start of the third term of English senior courses until April 14. As this situation could be extended beyond this start date, and in order to not affect the learning process of students, the third term will begin on April 14 in the online modality at the regular time and with the same teacher until the face-to-face modality can be resumed.

In order to show senior students how this tool works and giving them the opportunity to see how online classes work before starting the course, we have organized a free online test session on April 6 and 7 during regular class hours.

For more information you can contact us by email at info.idiomes@uab.cat.